I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 203 Inspection Project 03

Chapter 203 Inspection Project 03
At three o'clock in the afternoon, the high-level executives of Shengshi started to set off for the Longshan Waterfront construction site.

As a temporary assistant, Yan Xi naturally accompanied the president.

The driver glanced at Yan Xi, when did the president change his secretary or assistant?The president usually takes Assistant Qin and Secretary Tian out to work.

The high-level executives stood on both sides. In fact, such an inspection did not require the president to go in person at all, but the president seemed to attach great importance to this project, which made them very nervous.

After three and 10 minutes, go to the suburbs. In the next ten years, this will become a new urban area.

The weather was crisp and sunny.

This place is far away from the hustle and bustle of the urban area, surrounded by mountains and rivers, with beautiful scenery. It was originally a village in the city, but now the villagers have been dismissed, leaving only scattered dilapidated houses.

The team of Tianyi architectural design is already waiting, headed by Tianyi's design director Yun Su, followed by seven or eight engineers and designers.

The people from both sides were all in suits and leather shoes, and they looked particularly spectacular in front of the dilapidated houses.

"Director Yun has been waiting for a long time." Gu Jinluo was cold and polite.

"President Gu is serious, and I have just arrived." Yun Su was indifferent without losing his demeanor.

The atmosphere is oppressive, and another iceberg hits an iceberg.

The high-level executives on both sides are in high spirits, even if their boss fights, they can't lose their momentum.

"President Gu, please." Yun Su took a step away.

"I'm sorry." Gu Jinluo stepped forward.

The two sides followed the village and inspected all the way.

The designer of Tianyi walked in the front and explained as he walked: "All the houses along the road were demolished, and the trees over 50 years old were kept, and the buildings with historical significance were repaired and remodeled..."

There is no bright steel and concrete, no flat asphalt roads, only dilapidated houses, uneven dirt roads, and mossy stone steps.

"This road is relatively narrow, and the houses on the side of the road show signs of loosening and may collapse at any time. Be careful." The designer who led the way reminded.

Because the road was narrow, Yan Xi moved behind Gu Jinluo and gradually distanced himself from Gu Jinluo.

Gu Jinluo realized that the person beside her was gone. Looking back, she saw that she was falling behind. It seemed that she was very close to Yun Su, only about two meters away.

"Secretary Yan." Gu Jinluo called out calmly.

Hearing the sound, Yan Xi went forward.

"Miss Yan, be careful!" Yun Su pulled Yan Xi away suddenly.

A brick passed Yan Xi's side and landed on the stone road, making a crisp cracking sound, and the brick immediately fell apart.

Seeing this, everyone was shocked, and there was no danger.

"Thank you." Yan Xi looked at Yun Su, who was more than two meters away, and his reaction speed was very fast.

"You're welcome." Yun Su was also looking at her, her expression seemed to be too calm, without the slightest bit of fear, as if it was not an accident.

Yan Xi glanced at his hand.

"Miss Yan, isn't she afraid of being hit?" Yun Su gently let go of her arm.

"Didn't it hit you too?" Yan Xi withdrew his gaze.

Yun Su took a step away, creating a distance that was too close.

Gu Jinluo walked over quickly, anxious and worried: "Are you injured?"

"No." Yan Xi shook his head.

Tianyi's personnel immediately came forward to offer condolences, after all, they were responsible for safety issues.

"Miss Yan, I'm sorry to scare you." A female designer apologized.

"I'm serious, I'm fine." Yan Xi looked calm and calm.

(End of this chapter)

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