I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 208 Inspection Project 08

Chapter 208 Inspection Project 08
After dinner, it was already eight o'clock, and there were fewer and fewer customers in the restaurant.

"It's still early, is there any place you want to go? For example, shopping, or watching a movie?" Gu Jinluo felt a little nervous for no reason. Does this count as a date?
"No." Yan Xi has no interest in shopping at all, and he hasn't been to a movie theater for many years.

"Or go for a walk." Gu Jinluo suggested again.

"I've been walking for more than three hours today." Yan Xi said, walking along the Longshan River all afternoon.

Gu Jinluo choked, and then asked again: "It's only eight o'clock, what do you usually do at this time?"

"Why do you ask that?" Yan Xi couldn't figure out what the boss meant, what am I doing for fun, and what's none of your business?

"Well, I'm usually free." Gu Jinluo thought for a while before saying, usually not busy, but not free, but regular and fulfilling, but now he can become more free.

"I think Mr. Lan has more entertainment, you can go to him." Yan Xi usually has no entertainment, and he won't go where she can go.Where he can go, she won't go.

"Can you not mention Mu Ge?" Gu Jinluo's face darkened, Mu Ge was considered a half-rival in love.

"Sorry." Yan Xi immediately apologized. She didn't know anything about the relationship between Gu Jinluo and Lan Muge, nor was she interested in it.

"You don't need to be sorry, it's Lan Muge's fault, he shouldn't have harassed you." Gu Jinluo frowned.

"Thank you for understanding." Yan Xi agreed with this point.

what do you understandYou don't understand anything!Gu Jinluo was depressed, how could he change her mood?

Yan Xi didn't want to continue the boring conversation with his boss.

"I'm going home, thank you for your dinner." Yan Xi put away his phone, and the game was boring.

"I'll take you home." Gu Jinluo's tone was very natural.

"Actually, you don't need to take me home, this place is not far from my home." Yan Xi said, maybe he sent women home out of gentlemanly demeanor, but it's really not necessary.

"It's okay, I'm free." Gu Jinluo said immediately, how could he rest assured that she would go back so late by herself.

After paying the bill, the two left the restaurant.

The driver had been waiting outside the restaurant for a long time. How could my husband come here for dinner? He believed that the cook at home was no worse than the chef in this ordinary restaurant.

The driver was unavoidably surprised when he saw Mr. coming out with a woman. Mr. had dinner with this woman?If you are on a date, why would you choose this ordinary restaurant?
The driver subconsciously looked at Yan Xi, this woman was wearing a professional suit, she didn't look like she was dating her husband, could it be that she was just a friend?

"Go to Tianhe Xiaoyuan." Gu Jinluo glanced at the driver with a slight displeasure.

"Yes, sir." The driver immediately looked away and went to the parking lot to drive the car.

In less than 10 minutes, I went to Tianhe Xiaoyuan.

The driver drove at a steady speed and stopped by the roadside of Tianhe Xiaoyuan. The driver glanced at the community, which was just a very ordinary residential area.

"Thank you for taking me back, goodbye." Yan Xi opened the car door.

"I'll take you in." Gu Jinluo was about to get out of the car.

"No need, goodbye." Yan Xi immediately got out of the car and closed the door.

Through the car window, Gu Jinluo watched her walk into the community.

The driver found it unbelievable. There has never been any woman around the husband. What is the relationship between the husband and this woman?Do I need to take her in personally?
"Sir, are you going back to Songquan Villa now?"

"and many more."

The driver waited silently, why didn't the husband go back?What are you waiting for?
Gu Jinluo kept looking out of the car window until he saw light coming from the window on the fifth floor, and then said, "Go back."

The driver drove away from Tianhe Xiaoyuan, which is quite far from Songquan Mountain.

Gu Jinluo leaned on the back of the chair, and said in a nonchalant way: "Don't talk too much."

"Yes, sir." The driver was a little embarrassed. Just now, he was thinking about whether to tell his wife about it. Since the husband refused to say it, of course he would keep his mouth shut.

However, the husband deliberately reminded him that there seemed to be some suspicions that were trying to cover up.


(End of this chapter)

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