I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 213 Going to the Dentist 03

Chapter 213 Going to the Dentist 03
"Impacted wisdom teeth affect the oral mucosa, does the gum hurt?" Xie Cunliang asked while writing the medical records.

"It doesn't hurt."

"Is your period the last few days?" Xie Cunliang asked without changing his expression.

"No." Yan Xi replied without changing his face.

"Visual inspection shows that the wisdom tooth on the left side is crooked. First go to the payment office to pay the fee, and then go to the radiology department to take an X-ray." Xie Cunliang returned the medical record to Yan Xi.

"Thank you doctor." Yan Xi took the medical record sheet, got up and gave Hua Cuo his seat.

Hua Cuo then sat down, put down the medical record, and glanced at the sign with the doctor's name, Xie Cunliang.

"Toothache? What's the problem?" Xie Cunliang took the medical records and looked at them. Hua Mi, male, 26 years old.

"I want to have my wisdom teeth removed too." Hua Cuo said.

"What's wrong with the wisdom teeth? Are they crooked? Cavities? Inflammation? What's the problem?" Xie Cunliang took another tongue depressor.

"Probably fine." His teeth were always healthy.

Xie Cunliang finally raised his head and took a wrong look at the flower. No problem, what did you pull out?Wisdom teeth getting in the way of your face?
Those women who had their wisdom teeth pulled out to slim their faces were mostly mentally ill. He had had his wisdom teeth pulled out for so many years, but he had never seen a round face turned into an awl face.

"Look first, open your mouth." Xie Cunliang picked up the flashlight, and after reading it, he found that the wrong wisdom teeth had grown well.

Normal wisdom teeth are good for chewing. If the position is not correct, it is not easy to correct, and it often induces gingivitis, so it needs to be pulled out.

"Does the gum hurt?" Xie Cunliang asked the same thing a thousand times.

"It doesn't hurt."

"Have you ever had periodontitis?"


"The wisdom teeth on the left side are normal. The upper wisdom teeth on the right are incompletely grown, and the lower wisdom teeth are growing normally. Although the bite is wrong, the teeth are healthy at present. If you have good teeth brushing habits, you don't need to pull them out. However, the wrongly occluded wisdom teeth are useless. , in order to prevent tooth decay in the future and affect the surrounding teeth, it can also be extracted." Xie Cunliang said.

"Pull it out, I'm afraid of tooth decay." Hua Cuo was very determined.

Xie Cunliang took another wrong look at Hua. It was the first time he saw such a person who actively asked for his wisdom teeth to be removed. Most people would try not to remove their wisdom teeth if they could.

"Go to the payment office to pay the fee first, and then go to the radiology department to take an X-ray." Xie Cunliang gave Hua the wrong medical record.

"Thank you doctor." Hua took the medical record by mistake.

"Turn right when you exit the payment office. The Radiology Department is on the fourth floor." Xie Cunliang reminded.

"Okay. Yan Xi, let's go quickly." Hua Cuo got up and walked towards Yan Xi.

"I'll take you there." Yin Zimo was right next to Yan Xi, and walked with her.

"I know how to get there, you don't need to accompany us." Yan Xi felt that it was unnecessary.

"It's okay, anyway, I'm free." Yin Zimo smiled and went out to lead the way.

Xie Cunliang looked at Yin Zimo who was on the saddle and behind the horse, and he was quite attentive.

Half an hour later, after paying the fee and taking X-rays, the three of them returned to Dr. Xie's clinic to prepare for tooth extraction.

When the little nurse saw Yin Zimo approaching, her eyes were full of love: "Doctor Yin!"

"En." Yin Zimo nodded politely.

The little nurse looked excited. Almost all the female doctors, nurses, and pharmacists in the hospital were poisoned by Dr. Yin. Before that, there were female patients who took the initiative to pursue Dr. Yin.

It's not because Dr. Yin is humorous, warm and generous.On the contrary, Dr. Yin is rigorous and unsmiling, and it is precisely because of this that he has become a male god in the eyes of all women and can only be seen from a distance.

(End of this chapter)

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