I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 215 Going to the Dentist 05

Chapter 215 Going to the Dentist 05
Yin Zimo wanted to ask but was too embarrassed to ask, who was she talking on the phone with?The other party seemed to be asking her out for lunch.

"It's twelve o'clock, are you going to have lunch?" Yan Xi asked, he really didn't need to accompany her.

"I'll eat with Dr. Xie. Are you going home later?" Yin Zimo suddenly thought that if she came with Hua Cuo, would she be with Hua Cuo in the afternoon.

"Yeah." Yan Xi hummed.

"Is the flower wrong? Is he going home too?" Yin Zimo asked hesitantly. Would his words seem deliberate?
"do not know."

"Where does he live?" Yin Zimo asked again.

"I don't know." Yan Xi answered quickly. In fact, she knew, but Hua Cuo never told her, so she shouldn't know.

Hearing this, Yin Zimo was a little confused. The relationship between Yan Xi and Hua Cuo seemed to be very good. Is it just his psychology?

"You should avoid eating after tooth extraction. It is best to drink light porridge for the first three days. Can you cook porridge?" Yin Zimo considered that she lived alone.

"No." Yan Xi cooked porridge once, but it was burnt, and he never cooked it again.

"Actually, cooking porridge is very simple. I, I am very free after get off work, so I might as well go to your house to cook porridge." Yin Zimo was very nervous, and his expression was very cryptic.

"No, there are many restaurants near my house." Yan Xi immediately refused, she would not give him a little room for fantasy, no matter how much she liked him, there would be no result.

Yin Zimo's expression was gloomy, he wanted to explain but didn't know how to explain, so why not just go to her house as a friend?

Until the door of the medical room opened, Hua Cuo came out from inside.

Yan Xi looked at the flowers.

Hua Cuo's expression was very strange, probably due to the effect of anesthetics. He held a tissue in his right hand to cover the corner of his right lip, and his left hand held a small sealed bag with two teeth inside.

"Yan Xi, look at my wisdom teeth." Hua Cuo's voice was also very strange, and she raised the sealed bag in her hand.

"Don't talk if it hurts." Yan Xi said, Hua Cuo is a talkative person.

"It doesn't hurt, it's just a little numb. Don't worry, Dr. Xie should be gentler to the lady." Hua Cuo was angry and couldn't speak, the surname Xie definitely did it on purpose!

Xie Cunliang came out suddenly, glanced sideways at Hua Cuo, and then smiled slightly at Yan Xi: "Miss Yan, it's your turn, please rest assured, I will treat all patients with gentleness."

"I trust Dr. Xie." Yan Xi got up and walked into the medical room.

With a click, the door of the medical room closed, and there were only Hua Cuo and Yin Zimo in the consulting room.

Hua made a mistake and sat on the bench, taking Yan Xi's place.

"Is Dr. Yin not busy?" Hua Cuo said even if it was inconvenient to talk now, Yin Zimo stayed here with her in such free time.

"Not busy, Mr. Hua doesn't have to go to work today?" Yin Zimo asked casually. As far as he knew, Hua Cuo and Yan Xi were in the same company but in different departments.

"No, just call me Hua Cuo." Hua Cuo's attitude was quite friendly.

"Well, if you don't mind, call me by my name." Yin Zimo said, and he didn't mind making friends with Hua Cuo either.

"Okay." Hua Cuo agreed, after all, Yin Zimo was her...friend, and he didn't admit that they were their first love, because she was too young at that time, maybe she didn't understand love at all.

"How do you know Yan Xi?" Yin Zimo asked after thinking about it. Hua Cuo seemed to be very kind to Yan Xi, and even made an appointment with him to see the dentist.

"That's how we got to know each other. Are you chasing Yan Xi?" Hua Cuo's tone was very casual, and he just asked knowingly.

Yin Zimo's face was weird, he was completely unexpected that Hua Cuo asked such a straightforward question, how would he answer this?If he admits it, will Hua Cuo tell Yan Xi later?

"Do you care about Yan Xi?" Yin Zimo asked without answering. Has Hua Cuo known Yan Xi for a long time?Are you on good terms?
"Of course, we are good friends." Hua Cuo's expression was very serious.

Hearing this, Yin Zimo's heart was somewhat uncertain. Hua Cuo's words were ambiguous, and he didn't show any affection for Yan Xi. Was Hua Cuo simply caring about Yan Xi?


(End of this chapter)

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