I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 222 After Tooth Extraction 02

Chapter 222 After Tooth Extraction 02
Gu Jinluo called again, but couldn't get through, so she immediately dialed Qin Hao's number.

"President." Qin Hao was having dinner with Ye Piaopiao.

"Immediately check the PRINCE Hotel in City B to see if there is any check-in record for Secretary Yan."

"Secretary Yan?" Qin Hao suddenly remembered that Yan Xi didn't go to work today.

"Speed!" Gu Jinluo parked the car on the side of the road, considering whether to go to City B now.

"Yes, President." Qin Hao hung up the line and immediately called someone to check.

"What happened?" Ye Piaopiao heard the words Secretary Yan.

"The CEO is looking for Yan Xi, Yan Xi seems to have gone to City B." Qin Hao felt strange, Yan Xi went to City B, why is the CEO so anxious?
"What did Yan Xi go to City B for?" Ye Piaopiao also felt strange, Xiaoxia only said this morning that Yan Xi and Hua went to the hospital by mistake to have their wisdom teeth pulled.

"I also want to know, you call Yan Xi." Qin Hao said, Piao Piao and Yan Xi are good friends.

Ye Piaopiao took out the phone, dialed Yan Xi's number, and turned it off.

"It's turned off, is there anything the CEO can do with Yan Xi?" Ye Piaopiao couldn't help feeling a little worried.

"I don't know, the president seems to be in a hurry, maybe he's worried about Yan Xi's accident." Qin Hao secretly laughed, the story that had to be told between the boss and the secretary.

Ye Piaopiao heard this, and tried to call Yan Xi's wireless fixed line at home.

At this time, Yan Xi and Hua Cuo were having dinner.

The landline suddenly rang.

Hua took a wrong look at Yan Xi.

Yan Xi got up and went to answer the phone. Except for the property management, basically no one would call her home landline.

"Yan Xi?"

"Huh, Piao Piao?" Yan Xi then remembered that her cell phone was turned off.

"Are you in City B?" Ye Piaopiao asked.

"..." Yan Xi was silent, how did she answer the landline at home in City B?

"Yan Xi?" Ye Piaopiao called out in doubt, she dialed Yan Xi's wireless fixed line at home.

Yan Xi took the phone and walked to the balcony.

"Where are you? Who's around?"

"I was in the restaurant with Qin Hao, what happened?" Ye Piaopiao was at a loss.

"I'm in City B. If anyone asks you where I am, you'll always say I'm in City B." Yan Xi rubbed his forehead, depressed.

"Understood." Ye Piaopiao didn't ask too much, although he didn't know what happened, but there must be a reason for Yan Xi.

After hanging up, Yan Xi also turned off the landline.


Here, Ye Piaopiao continued to eat dinner.

"Did you find Yan Xi?" Qin Hao looked at Ye Piao Piao, who must have been talking to Yan Xi just now.

"Yan Xi is in City B, so he's not free." Ye Piaopiao wasn't worried because Yan Xi was at home.

"Isn't she turned off? How did you find her?" Qin Hao asked, since the CEO couldn't find Yan Xi, Yan Xi's phone must be turned off.

"She also has a private number." Ye Piaopiao said casually.

"Can I give the CEO her number?" Qin Hao asked again.

"No, she's very busy, and her private number can't be given to others casually. Why is the CEO looking for Yan Xi at this time?" Ye Piaopiao was puzzled, it was off-duty time.

"It's nothing, it's just a matter of work." Qin Hao didn't dare to talk too much. As an assistant, he had to keep a secret for his boss.

Hearing this, Ye Piaopiao didn't ask any more questions. Even though Yan Xi never cared about work matters, Yan Xi's ability to work was unquestionable, and he never neglected his work.

(End of this chapter)

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