I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 224 After Tooth Extraction 04

Chapter 224 After Tooth Extraction 04
Gu Jinluo received the message and dialed immediately, but the answer was to shut down the phone.

The last trace of clues disappeared, Gu Jinluo suddenly felt a little anxious, and dialed another number.

"Sir." In a respectful tone.

"Look up this number immediately." Gu Jinluo said the phone number.

"Yes, sir." It is his honor to serve you.

After hanging up, Gu Jinluo was upset, and suddenly thought of a question, so she searched online: Can I kiss after tooth extraction?
There will be slight bleeding within 24 hours of tooth extraction, and the saliva may be bloodshot. Kissing may lead to aggravated bleeding and even wound infection. Therefore, it is not suitable to kiss after tooth extraction.

The phone vibrated, and Gu Jinluo answered the call instantly.

"Sir, this is a fixed-line wireless number. The registered name is Yanxi, and it belongs to Dijing City. There was a call record about 10 minutes ago."

Wireless landline number?
Gu Jinluo was suddenly furious, this is not a private number at all!
She could very well be at home!

After dinner, Yan Xi and Hua sat on the sofa by mistake and watched TV.

The news feed is playing.

Suddenly the doorbell rang.

Yan Xi looked at the door, the building landline didn't ring, but the doorbell rang, who came to find her?
"Is the doorbell ringing? I'll open the door." Hua Cuo put down the remote control.

"I'll go." Yan Xi immediately got up and walked.

Yan Xi only opened a wooden door, not the anti-theft door.

Through the grille of the anti-theft door, the face of the visitor has already been seen.

"What's the matter?" Yan Xi's voice was very soft, President Gu and Hua Cuo tried not to meet each other.

"Did you come back from city B by rocket?" Gu Jinluo said calmly, suppressing anger in his heart.

"..." Yan Xi was very helpless, why did he ask the question knowingly.

"The visitor is a guest, why don't you invite me in?" Gu Jinluo kept looking at her through the anti-theft grille, but she still didn't open the door?
"Inconvenient." Yan Xi frowned.

"Inconvenient? The owner of the car with the license plate number JY287 is at your house, right?" Gu Jinluo seemed furious, and the wrong car was parked downstairs!The wrong flower is at her house!What is the reason for the inconvenience?

Yan Xi's face darkened, and he opened the anti-theft door: "Please come in."

Gu Jinluo stepped into the door and saw the flowers in the living room.

Hua Cuo was also looking over, and was a bit surprised and displeased when he saw the visitor: "Mr. Gu, a rare visitor."

"Mr. Huacuo is a regular customer?" Gu Jinluo's eyes flashed a cold light.

"No." Hua Cuo said, he had only been here twice.

"It's a coincidence that I can meet you like this." Of course Gu Jinluo didn't believe it.

"Nothing is accidental, it should be a real coincidence." Hua Cuo also expressed doubts.

The atmosphere seemed a little turbulent.

"Mr. Gu, do you want water or juice?" Yan Xi asked, there was a bottle of juice at home that had been kept for a long time.

"Thank you, no need." Even though Gu Jinluo was angry, she still had some self-cultivation.

"Please sit down." As the host, Yan Xi went to pour a glass of water out of politeness even though the guest said no.

Yan Xi went into the kitchen, took out the milk custard from the microwave oven, put it in a glass of water to heat it up, President Gu probably shouldn't drink cold water.

After the water was warmed up, Yan Xi came out of the kitchen and saw Gu Jinluo sitting on the sofa watching TV.

"Mr. Gu, drink some water." Yan Xi put the water on the tea table in front of him.

"Thank you, don't be too polite to me." Gu Jinluo saw that there was only a glass of water on the coffee table, and she didn't pour water for Hua Cuo. So it proves that her relationship with Hua Cuo is so close that you don't need to be polite?
Yan Xi didn't speak, and sat on the other side of the sofa.

Three legs.

"Have your wisdom teeth been pulled?" Gu Jinluo glanced at her, but couldn't tell if she had had her teeth pulled.

"Pull it out." Yan Xi casually watched the news broadcast.

"Have you taken painkillers?" Gu Jinluo asked again. It was said on the Internet that it would be very painful after tooth extraction.

"Eat." Why is the boss so concerned about her teeth.

"It's not advisable to talk too much after tooth extraction. Not only does the tooth hurt, but the wound may also be torn open." Hua Cuo said slowly, although it's not that serious, it's still possible.

After that, everyone remained silent and watched the news broadcast together in harmony, only the voice of the female anchor on the TV was left.

(End of this chapter)

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