I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 252 Going to the Zoo 02

Chapter 252 Going to the Zoo 02
Tian Na showed the plan to her boss for review, and then to the administrative supervisor for approval before starting to write the proposal.

Arranging the itinerary and allocating rooms, in order to save money and safety issues, except for the executives such as the president, administrative manager, administrative director, special assistant, etc., who live in separate suites, other ordinary employees live in a double room with two people, free combination.

"Free combination? Can men and women also form a combination?" a male employee said jokingly.

"If there is a girl who is willing to team up with you, yes." Xu Yonglin threw a sentence over.

The number of men and women of ordinary employees in the administration department happens to be even, so there are no orders.

"Yan Xi, we live together and can take care of each other." Zhen Ni smiled sweetly and looked at Yan Xi expectantly.

"No need." Yan Xi didn't even move his eyebrows, she didn't want to live with Zhen Ni at all.

Zhen Ni's smile was a little stiff, and there was a hint of resentment in her beautiful eyes. She lowered her posture to show favor to Yan Xi, but Yan Xi was indifferent.

Jenny had to find other people to combine.

Half an hour later, everyone sent the combination information to Tian Na.

Yan Xi didn't take the initiative to team up with anyone, and no one took the initiative to team up with Yan Xi.

There is a workgroup information prompt in the lower left corner of the screen.

Yan Xi clicked on the message, and it was a message from Tian Na: Secretary Yan, all the female employees have joined each other, leaving me and you, can you share a room with me?

Yan Xi replied: Yes.

After Tian Na received the news, she began to arrange the itinerary, allocate rooms, and write a plan.


After Tian Na finished writing the plan, she took it to the president to have a look, because the president also participated in this event, so I don't know if the president is satisfied with the itinerary arranged by her.

Gu Jinluo picked up the planning book and flipped through it. He didn't care about the itinerary, as long as the employees had fun.

However, seeing the room allocation, Yan Xi and Tian Na lived in the same room?
Gu Jinluo lifted his eyelids, looked at Tian Na with dark eyes, and kept saying that he had nothing to do with Yan Xi, but wanted to live with Yan Xi.

Noticing the gaze of her boss, Tian Na's heart skipped a beat. Could it be that the president is not satisfied with her arrangement?
"You and Secretary Yan live in separate suites."

"President, no need, Secretary Yan and I live in the same room for convenience." How dare Tian Na arrange this arrangement? Not only is it to save money, only executives can live in separate suites. She and Yan Xi are just secretaries. .

Gu Jinluo immediately lowered his face, his tone was gentle but unquestionable: "Do you have any objections?"

Tian Na was stunned for a moment, sensing the displeasure of her boss, how could she dare to object: "No."

Gu Jinluo pushed the proposal forward: "Get out."

Tian Na took the proposal and went back to revise it.


In the afternoon of the next day, Tian Na took the proposal to the administrative director for approval.

The president had already nodded, and of course Yu Xiaoyin had no objection, and immediately approved it.

After allocating the travel funds, Tian Na still needs to communicate with the person in charge of the zoo, arrange tour buses, book hotels and restaurants, and so on.

On Friday, the itinerary had been arranged, Tian Na printed out the plan, and everyone in the staff got a copy.

"The president is also participating in this trip?" Xu Yonglin looked at the list above in disbelief.

"What? Tina, really?" Kong Ru was also taken aback.

"Yes." Tian Na said.

With Tian Na's affirmative answer, the staff in the administration department were inevitably surprised. In previous years, the president did not participate in any tourism activities.

"Tina, why do you and Secretary Yan live in private suites?" Kong Ru saw the room allocation list, only executives lived in private suites.

Everyone looked at Tian Na and Yan Xi, Tian Na was in charge of planning this event, maybe it was deliberately arranged this way, the independent suite must be more luxurious than the ordinary room.

Tian Na had expected that someone would be dissatisfied, and said, "There are not enough double rooms in the hotel, and all the single rooms have been booked. Anyone who wants to live in a private suite can switch with me, but if there is a safety problem, I will not be responsible."

Kong Ru pouted, but said nothing.

Others have no objections, especially the female employees. Two people living together can take care of each other, and living alone inevitably feels insecure.

(End of this chapter)

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