I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 267 Eradication of the Rival in Love 07

Chapter 267 Eradication of the Rival in Love 07
On the weekend, Yan Xi played games at home, played for two consecutive days, and finally reached the full level.

At eight o'clock in the evening, the Lone Traveler's account was only online, and he received a message from Jun Wuxia.

[System] Message: Your friend has no time to invite you to join the Red Blood Alliance, accept or reject?

Yan Xi clicked to accept.

[System] Message: Congratulations on successfully joining the Red Blood Alliance.

On weekend nights, when the chat area of ​​the Red Blood League was bustling, a newcomer suddenly joined, and he was invited by the leader, causing a bombardment of news in an instant.

[Red Blood Alliance] The falling soot: Where is the newcomer?
[Red Blood Alliance] A Sword in the Sea: Lone Walker, full level, female number, equipment XXXX, attributes...

[Red Blood League] Miss Fang Fei: The newlyweds burst into photos! ! !

[Red Blood Alliance] Kissed your lips: Although wearing a female number, it is very likely to be a chicken man.

[Red Blood Alliance] The handsome man on the star: If it is a man, you can keep silent, but if it is a woman, report your height, bust, waist, and hip...

[Red Blood League] Miss Fang Fei: Ah Heng, maybe people have the same measurements.

[Red Blood League] Penicillin: Actually Ah Heng's measurements are just a number.

[Red Blood Alliance] The handsome man on the stars: Cousin Xiaoqingqing, you are naughty again, be good, go do your homework, have you memorized Marxism?

[Red Blood League] Penicillin: ...

[Red Blood League] Miss Fang Fei: The newlyweds burst into photos! ! !

[Red Blood League] Kissed your lips: Explosive photos may be fake, watch the video and listen to the voice to tell the difference between male and female.

[Red Blood League] Miss Fang Fei: That's true, I can only blame the PS technology for being too powerful.

[Red Blood League] Master flirtatious men: Miss Fang Fei, everyone knows that you are as beautiful as a flower, how jealous are you?

[Red Blood League] Miss Fang Fei: I dare not be as beautiful as a flower, I just want to get to know new people, how did I become jealous?
[Red Blood League] Penicillin: Please look at the reflection of the computer screen to see if there is jealousy written on your face.

[Red Blood League] Miss Fangfei: Mymycin, do you want to tear it up, or do you want to tear it up?
[Red Blood Alliance] This woman is not gentle: she will be torn on the battlefield.

Miss Fang Fei was silent for a moment, probably because she was too embarrassed by this woman's intenderness on the battlefield.

Everyone knows that Fang Fei is pretty, she sings well, she can be cute, her equipment is very shiny, her family should be very rich, a typical Bai Fumei, many male players like her, but she has no strength, so many female players don’t like her she.

Penicillin has never shown her face before. She is only known to be a high school student and Ah Heng's cousin. Because of Ah Heng's care, Fang Fei is somewhat dissatisfied with Penicillin, and the two have always been at odds.

[Red Blood Alliance] Kissed your lips: Why doesn't the newcomer show his face?Are you shy?
[Red Blood Alliance] The falling soot: Kissed, put away your sausage mouth.

[Red Blood Alliance] A sword in the sea: Wuxia, if you don't come out and explain, you're really going to tear it up.

[Red Blood Alliance] Jun Wuxia: Get out of here!If you tear it again, your mouth will be torn!

【Red Blood Alliance】Flicked soot: No time to get mad.

[Red Blood Alliance] The beautiful man on the star: This proves that the lone traveler is definitely a woman.

[Red Blood Alliance] Kissed your lips: Is it the flawless sister, or the cousin, or the cousin?

[Red Blood League] Penicillin: Kissed, have you ever seen Ah Heng lose his temper?

[Red Blood Alliance] Kissed your lips: Xiao Qingqing, you are the truth.

[Red Blood Alliance] Miss Fang Fei: No time, what is your relationship with her?
[Red Blood Alliance] Penicillin: Even a fool can guess what is the relationship.

[Red Blood League] Master teaser: Xiao Qingqing, don't expose other people's IQ.

The words of penicillin and the master flirt were purely aimed at Fang Fei, and everyone knew that Fang Fei liked Jun Wuxia.

Jun Wuxia has never shown his face, even his voice has been processed, and the master teaser once teased Jun Wuxia for being a fat man.

However, Jun Wuxia is indeed rich, otherwise how could he be crowned the leader of the leader? Although his skills are very good, they have not yet reached the level of a professional player.

A sword in the sea, a drop of soot, and this woman is not gentle, these three are master-level professional players.

(End of this chapter)

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