I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 269 Eradication of the Rival in Love 09

Chapter 269 Eradication of the Rival in Love 09
Tian Na has already decided to go to the country Y branch for further study in October. Even though her family strongly opposes it and her ex-boyfriend pesters her endlessly, she still has no hesitation.

Today, Tian Na signed the agreement without hesitation, and she felt relieved.

What made her feel strange was that the president didn't seem to intend to hand over the work to Yan Xi.

"Secretary Yan?" Tian Na looked at Yan Xi's computer screen in surprise. Yan Xi was playing games blatantly during working hours?

"Secretary Tian, ​​what's the matter?" Yan Xi took off one earphone, but continued to play the game, because she was playing a team battle and she couldn't log off.

"It's okay, don't be seen by others." Tian Na reminded her and left. She would not tell Yan Xi, but it was difficult for others, after all, many people wanted to replace Yan Xi's position.


Tian Na took the schedule and went to the president's office.

"President, the president of Han's enterprise organized an industry fellowship. It will be at Nanshan Golf Course at 03:30 on Saturday afternoon. This is an invitation letter. How do you reply?" Tian Na is in charge of writing the schedule. The president usually goes to country Y on weekends. .

"Wait." Gu Jinluo picked up the phone and dialed a number.

For such an industry friendship, Mu Ge will definitely receive an invitation. Recently, Mu Ge has not come to see Yan Xi, nor has he come to see him.

"Ah Luo? What's the matter?" Lan Muge took off the earphones and answered the call.

"Have you received an invitation for Saturday's industry fellowship?" Gu Jinluo slowly leaned back in his chair.

"Got it, what's the matter?" Lan Muge turned on the speakerphone, put down the phone, and casually talked to Gu Jinluo.

"Are you going?" Gu Jinluo asked again. It had been a while since he had seen Mu Ge.

"Oh? Are you so concerned about whether I will go or not? Are you going?" Lan Muge frowned. A Luo rarely participated in such associations.

"Go." Gu Jinluo didn't want to go at first, but it seemed like he hadn't played golf with Mu Ge for a long time.

"Okay, I'll go too, what else can I do?" Lan Muge was playing games in the office, Xiaodudu, he likes this name.

"Are you busy recently?" Gu Jinluo could vaguely hear that Mu Ge seemed to be in a hurry to hang up the phone.

"As long as you know, just hang up if you have nothing to do." Lan Muge hung up the line. He was very busy at the moment, and the Red Blood Alliance was fighting against the Sirius regiment. It felt good to fight side by side with Xiao Dudu.

Gu Jinluo's mood gradually cleared up, Mu Ge stopped looking for her, and Tian Na also decided to go abroad.

"Reply, invited."

"Understood." Tian Na nodded, but she didn't leave for a long time, and she hesitated to speak.

"Is there anything else?" Gu Jinluo glanced at Tian Na.

"President, do you want to gradually transfer the work to Secretary Yan?" Tian Na hesitated to make a suggestion. She felt that Yan Xi was a sensible person, and if he wasn't free, he wouldn't know how to play games.

"No need." Gu Jinluo frowned lightly, she was about to leave, and still cared so much about Yan Xi?
Sensing the displeasure on her boss's face, Tian Na suddenly had a guess in her heart. Qin Hao had hinted at layoffs before. Could it be that the CEO wants to fire Yan Xi?
"President, actually, I think that Secretary Yan is very efficient and can be qualified for the position of secretary..." Tian Na bit the bullet and said something more.

"Don't worry, I won't fire Secretary Yan." Gu Jinluo seemed to see Tian Na's intentions. Was Tian Na worried that he would fire Yan Xi?

Tian Na was stunned, a little confused, why didn't Yan Xi take over her job?But since the president said he wouldn't fire Yan Xi, then he wouldn't.


(End of this chapter)

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