I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 278 Lover Chapter to 08

Chapter 278 Valentine's Day to 08
The Blue Ocean Building is located on the shore of Bihu Bay, with the most beautiful scenery and the highest land price in the city.

Stick Restaurant is located on the top floor of the Blue Ocean Building. It is decorated with the mystery and elegance of ancient Greece. It is a holy place for diners in Jingyang City.

Through the floor-to-ceiling glass windows, you can have a panoramic view of Bihu Bay, the night view of Jingyang City, and the starry night sky.

It was six o'clock in the evening, it was dinner time, and today was Valentine's Day, the lobby was almost full, and most of the guests had made reservations in advance.

The guests who stepped into Stick's restaurant were almost all gentlemen and ladies. Their clothes were simple and elegant, plain and low-key, without too much decoration, and they showed elegant demeanor in every gesture.

A woman with heavy makeup stepped into the door of the restaurant, and the luxurious and elegant picture almost dazzled her eyes.

"Miss, how can I help you?" The waiter stepped forward to receive him, but he couldn't help being a little surprised when he saw the clothes of the visitor.

Xu Li was wearing a pair of ten-centimeter-high white high heels, wearing a pink tube top dress, her curly black hair was tied up with a diamond hairpin, her face was painted with gorgeous heavy makeup, and she wore diamond necklaces on her neck and wrists.

"Miss, do you have a reservation?" The waiter asked again. Even if he had poor eyesight, he could tell that the diamond was fake, the handbag was fake, and the matching of clothes was even more unflattering.

"I'm here by invitation, in Pavilion 203." Xu Li dressed up carefully, showing the sweetest smile.

"Room 203?" The waiter was taken aback for a moment. Room 203 is one of the most expensive private rooms in Stick. It is a combination of romance and classics. You can't book Room 203 if you have money. Only certain people can be in Room 203. dine.

"It's Pavilion 203, lead the way quickly, I'm going to be late soon." Xu Li couldn't wait for that mysterious man who haunted her dreams.

"Yes, miss, this way please." The waiter's attitude instantly became respectful. No matter what, the guests who can book Pavilion 203 are definitely the nobles among the nobles.

Step up the stairs decorated with mahogany, walk through the long corridor, and come to the door of Pavilion 203.

The waiter knocked on the door lightly, for fear of disturbing the guests inside.

"A young lady has arrived." The waiter asked respectfully. He didn't know whether the guests inside were male or female, nor did he know Xu Li's last name, so he could only call them that.

"Come in." A low and gentle male voice came through the exquisitely carved wooden door.

Xu Li instantly lifted her spirits. The voice was so beautiful. Before that, she was thinking that even if the other party was an old man, she would have recognized him. But now that she heard this voice, she was basically sure that it was a young and attractive man.

The waiter opened the door slowly.

What catches the eye is that it looks like an ancient Greek palace, spacious and magnificent, full of mysterious murals, Ionic columns, exquisite reliefs, combined with modern floor-to-ceiling glass windows, facing the lake bay, the night is blurred .

On the long dining table, there are polished tableware, and in the vase in the center of the dining table are several delicate and beautiful snow mountain roses.

Xu Li was amazed and stared blankly at everything in front of her. She felt that she was Alice in Wonderland, falling into an incredible world.

"Miss, please come in." The waiter bent slightly and made a gesture of invitation.

Only then did Xu Li regain her senses, showing her most beautiful posture, and walked in step by step until the waiter closed the door.

(End of this chapter)

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