I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 288 Official Confession 08

Chapter 288 Official Confession 08
The next day, Yan Xi didn't go to work, she was not interested in President Gu.

Moreover, she felt that Gu Jinluo was a bit dishonest.

Because, Gu Jinluo and Lan Muge should be good friends, but he knew that Lan Muge meant something to her, so he still wanted to pursue her?

So, Yan Xi played games at home today.

Every time she logged into "Beacon Era" shortly after, Jun Wuxia also went online shortly thereafter.

If it's not a coincidence, then it's intentional.

[Friend] Jun Wuxia: Online so early?are you in the company?
[Friend] Lone Traveler: I don't go to work today.

[Friend] Jun Wuxia: Then where are you now?

[Friend] Lone Traveler: At home.

[Friend] Jun Wuxia: Are you playing games at home again?In fact, often playing games is not good for your eyes. Fortunately, you are not short-sighted.

[Friend] Lone Traveler: You are not short-sighted either.

[Friend] Jun Wuxia: I don't often play games. I used to like it when I was studying, but now I only play occasionally. After all, the company has a game development project.

[Friend] Jun Wuxia: The weather is nice today, how about we go horseback riding and play shooting games.

Lan Muge waited expectantly for her reply. It had been a long time since I saw her. No matter how close she was in the game, it was virtual. I remembered that she said that she liked sports. Compared with volleyball and golf, riding a horse was more romantic.

[Friend] Lone Traveler: Where to ride a horse?
[Friend] Jun Wuxia: Nanshan Racecourse.

[Friend] Lone Traveler: When are you going?

[Friend] Jun Wuxia: Can I do it now?

[Friend] Lone Traveler: Yes.

[Friend] Jun Wuxia: Okay, wait for me, I'll pick you up now.

Lan Muge was in a happy mood. After calling Nanshan Racecourse to make an appointment, he changed into a simple and casual attire, and drove away in his super dazzling red Ferrari.


The wind is sunny and autumn is strong, which is the season suitable for outdoor sports.

Although today is Monday, there are still many people riding horses at Nanshan Racecourse.

After Lan Muge and Yan Xi changed into their riding outfits, they went to the stable to pick out horses.

Lan Muge has two personal favorite horses, but he dare not give them to her, because they are all hot-blooded horses, which are not easy to control, and the consequences of falling off the horses are very serious.

"Young Master Lan, there are a few good warm-blooded or cold-blooded horses over there, do you want to take a look?" The horse trainer made a recommendation. He had never met Miss Yan before, so he guessed she was a beginner.

Cold-blooded horses have a large body and frame, are quiet and composed, and are usually used as work horses, or for beginners to try horseback riding, and will not be used for competitions.

Lan Muge looked at Yan Xi, she was tall and slender, wearing black and white riding clothes, very handsome and charming, plus her slender legs, strong gait, she should be able to ride a horse.

"Yan Xi, how is your horsemanship?"

"It's okay." Yan Xi said, he hadn't ridden a horse for a long time.

"Are you really okay?" Lan Muge was not sure, and there was a wide range of okay.

"I think I can do it." Yan Xi was confident but not arrogant.

"What kind of horse did you ride before? How fast?" Lan Muge's eyes suddenly lit up. Equestrianism is not just sitting on horseback. If she doesn't know how to do it, he can teach her by example.

"Generally, Hanoverian horses are chosen, and the speed is about 40 kilometers per hour." Yan Xi has not tested the speed, but only a rough estimate.

The light in Lan Muge's eyes went out instantly, and the speed of 40 kilometers per hour was already very fast even if he was running on flat ground.

(End of this chapter)

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