I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 291 Equestrian Competition 01

Chapter 291 Equestrian Competition 01
After two laps, Zhong Manyao discovered that Lan Muge's new girlfriend was good at equestrian skills.

Sensing that Zhong Manyao had slowed down, Yan Xi also slowed down.

Zhong Manyao's equestrian skills are good, she has been to Nanshan Racecourse several times, but this is the first time she has met Yan Xi.

Nanshan Racecourse is the best horse riding venue in the city, and many people choose to come here to ride horses.

"Does Miss Yan often ride a horse?"

"Not often, it's been a long time since I rode a horse." Yan Xi recalled the last time he rode a horse, which seemed to be two years ago.

"Your equestrian skills are very good." Zhong Manyao sincerely praised, almost comparable to Duan Xunge, she had met Duan Xunge twice, and Duan Xunge's equestrian skills were excellent.

"Miss Zhong is also very good." Yan Xi also praised sincerely.

"You know, there are not many people who can ride a horse with me without Lan Muge." Zhong Manyao said, as Lan Muge, wherever he went, he would not hug each other.

"That can only show that it is an honor to be able to ride horses with Miss Zhong." Yan Xi's words were not flattering, she wanted to know Zhong Manyao more than Lan Muge.

"Hehe, don't you like Lan Muge? Is it because of the secret I told you just now?" Zhong Manyao couldn't help laughing.

"It's definitely not because of the...secret that Miss Zhong said." Yan Xi was not interested in learning about this secret.

"Why is that?" Zhong Manyao raised her eyebrows. You must know that many women are attracted to flirtatious things like Lan Muge.

"Mr. Lan and I are purely friends, there is no relationship between a man and a woman." Yan Xi said seriously, and one day, this false friendship will also break down.

"Of course I know that you don't have a relationship between a man and a woman." Zhong Manyao blinked her eyes, with a look of understanding.

Yan Xi was a little stunned and suspicious, could it be that the secret Zhong Manyao said was true?She thought it was just a joke.

"You don't believe it? Lan Muge must have told you that I am a person who is full of lies. Well, breaking up depends on character." Zhong Manyao showed a helpless and sad expression.

"Lies are relative terms, what you see is not necessarily true." Yan Xi said that she herself has many lies.

Zhong Manyao suddenly discovered that Yan Xi was interesting.

"Miss Yan, it's really nice to meet you." I said this out of courtesy before, but now I mean it sincerely.

"Me too, Miss Zhong." Yan Xi smiled slightly.

The two rode on horses, strolling and chatting until Lan Muge came.

"Yan Xi, what are you talking about?" Lan Muge rode a horse and walked to Yan Xi's side.

"Nothing." Yan Xi skipped the sentence.

Lan Muge naturally didn't believe it in his heart, Zhong Manyao and Yan Xi had chatted for so long, and Yan Xi was so sincere and simple, it was easy to be deceived by Zhong Manyao.

"Don't bother you, I have to leave first, goodbye." Zhong Manyao pinched the horse's belly and rode away.

Yan Xi and Lan Muge rode slowly.

When getting along with Lan Muge, Yan Xi really has nothing to say, she is not good at small talk.

"Are you tired after running for two laps?" Lan Muge was good at chatting.

"It's okay." Yan Xi exercises regularly, and a little exercise like horseback riding is nothing.

"Let's take a rest over there." Lan Muge told the horse to turn around.

At ten o'clock in the morning, the early autumn sun was a bit fierce, and the two went to enjoy the shade under the tree.

Nanshan is located in the suburbs, and it is very cool with a gust of wind.

"Drink some water." Lan Muge handed over a bottle of mineral water.

"Thank you." Yan Xi took the mineral water, unscrewed the bottle cap, and drank slowly.

(End of this chapter)

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