I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 316 Mu Ge Injured 06

Chapter 316 Mu Ge Injured 06
"So he went to my school and went to university with me in the capital. Guess what subject he studied?" Lan Muge asked again, she must not be able to guess.

"It's hard to guess, history?" Yan Xi also guessed casually, her mother is a historian.

"It's a bit close, social relations. But after less than two years of studying, his parents asked him to go to country M to study for an MBA. I wasted a lot of feelings on this, and almost went with him. Later, for some reason, He was determined not to go. Until our good friend Yixue went abroad, we went to country Y to study, I continued to study philosophy, and he continued to study social relations."

If A Luo's parents didn't stop her, A Luo would not have separated from Yixue.

"Don't look at Arlo's elegant appearance, and don't look at him learning piano and studying social relations. Since childhood, although he doesn't drink, smoke, take drugs, and doesn't care, he seems very noble and extraordinary. Looks like that, but he fights even harder than me, bloody head is a trivial matter. When he was in country Y, he was admitted to the hospital once. I have never been in the hospital."

"You just entered." Yan Xi said bluntly.

"That's not counting! I mean a serious injury lying down and unable to move. During that time, his mother hated me for a long time, as if I had brought her son down." After all, he was indeed the one who caused A Luo to be injured.

Yan Xi didn't expect that President Gu, who is so noble from Tsinghua University, would fight until he was sent to the hospital.

"Were you at work just now? You won't be going back for so long, is it okay?" Lan Muge suddenly thought, should he call A Luo to let him know.

"The president goes out to work in the afternoon, and I have no work assignments in the afternoon, and no one will check if I miss work." Yan Xi turned the steering wheel and turned into a forest road.

Binjiang Road has a beautiful environment, away from the hustle and bustle, with rivers on one side and mountains on the other. This area belongs to the high-end villa area.

A straight road turns into the woods, and both sides of the road are planted with banyan trees in an orderly manner. Through the gaps in the leaves, the mottled sunlight is scattered on the long tree-shaded stone road.

Driving all the way, not a car, not a person, only quiet and deep woods on both sides.

It wasn't until we reached the end of the road that we saw a white European-style retro villa.

Through the carved wrought iron gate, you can see the fountains and flower beds in the villa.

The door opened automatically, and two guards stood on both sides, waiting for the sports car to drive in.

"The medicine is here, and there are instructions on how to take it." Yan Xi parked the car, pulled out the car key and returned it to Lan Muge.

"Aren't you going to my house? Can I keep you for dinner?" Lan Muge made an invitation. Except for A Luo, he had never invited anyone to his house. At this moment, he really wanted to be friends with her. Not those frivolous friends and boyfriend-girlfriend relationships.

"My current attire is really not suitable for visiting your house." Yan Xi was a little embarrassed, she was wearing a professional suit, and her hair should be a little messy.

"It's okay, my parents are not at home, even if they are at home, they won't mind." His mother doesn't care about him, and his father is stricter, but he can't control him.

"I mind." Yan Xi joked, but it was the truth.

"Here, can you do it next time? I'm officially inviting you to dinner." Lan Muge also understands, after all, clothing is very important, especially for women, who pay great attention to clothing.

"Okay, goodbye." Yan Xi didn't mind having a meal with him either.

(End of this chapter)

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