I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 342 The Opera Dinner 02

Chapter 342 The Opera Dinner 02
"Would you like to introduce me?" Gu Jinluo looked at Yan Xi.

"This is Miss Zhong." Yan Xi introduced briefly.

"Hello, I'm Zhong Manyao." Zhong Manyao's eyes were charming, she smiled beautifully, and at the same time stretched out her right hand.

"Gu Jinluo." Gu Jinluo shook the other's fingers lightly.

"It's a familiar name. Let me think about it. Could it be the CEO of Shengshi Group? I've seen it for a long time." Zhong Manyao showed a surprised expression.

"It's a pleasure to meet you." Gu Jinluo remained calm, indifferent and demeanor.

"Miss Yan's boss is... special." Zhong Manyao looked at Yan Xi with a smile on her face.

Yan Xi just smiled, she understood Zhong Manyao's eyes, Zhong Manyao had that kind of meaning for President Gu.

"The opera is about to start, don't bother the two of you, goodbye." Zhong Manyao said with a smile.

"Goodbye." Yan Xi said.

Zhong Manyao glanced at Gu Jinluo before leaving.

Gu Jinluo frowned, he really didn't like the look in this woman's eyes, frivolous and rude.

At this time, the host stepped onto the stage and said, "Please move to the opera hall next door."

This small opera hall is extremely luxuriously decorated and is specially used for opera evenings.

When Gu Jinluo and Yan Xi were seated, they saw many acquaintances, including Nick and Lu Li.

As the organizer of the opera gala, the chief executive of the headquarters of the Ole Company personally took the stage to speak. After the audience applauded, the curtain gradually closed and then opened.

The symphony was played slowly, and the gloomy sound of the brass produced a strong sense of shock.

The stage shows the background of the ancient oriental country, the towering palace walls, the guards everywhere, and the guards with big knives patrolling among the civilians.

On one side of the stage was a big bronze gong with a cold light, and facing it was a row of wooden stakes, on which hung a dozen or so distorted heads, full of murderous aura.

Then rise the tenor, then all kinds of chorus, soprano, alto and bass...

"Turandot" tells the love story of a princess Turandot in the Yuan Dynasty.This is a legendary story of an ancient oriental country imagined by Westerners.

Yan Xi tried his best to enjoy the nearly two-hour opera, until the voices gradually subsided, the actors bowed and thanked, the audience applauded, and Yan Xi followed suit.

The host came to the stage and said: "Please move to the banquet hall."

The guests returned to the banquet hall and began to talk about the opera just now.

As a western stage performance art, opera is a drama that mainly or completely uses singing and music to explain and express the plot.Not everyone appreciates it.

"Mr. Lu, long time no see." Coincidentally, Han Mengli greeted her. After all, Lu Li invited her to the last reception.

"Miss Han, long time no see." Lu Li was personable, neither enthusiastic nor rude.

"Hey, Jin Luo and Miss Yan are here too." Han Mengli looked over. Lu Li had invited Yan Xi to dance a long time ago at the Hanna Reception.

"Want to go over to say hello together?" Lu Li also looked over.

"Alright." Han Mengli smiled slightly.

When the two walked over, Han Mengli just smiled at Yanxi as a greeting.

"Miss Yan, Mr. Gu, long time no see." Lu Li casually glanced at Yan Xi.

"Mr. Lu, long time no see." Gu Jinluo said, he and Lu Li didn't know each other very well, so Lu Li came over to say hello on purpose because of Yan Xi?
Yan Xi didn't say a word, did Lu Li mean it's been a while?It wasn't long ago that Lu Li invited her to meet her in a wine meeting.

(End of this chapter)

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