I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 345 The Opera Dinner 05

Chapter 345 The Opera Dinner 05
A week later, the stitches were removed from the wound on Lan Muge's arm. The family doctor said that he was recovering well, but recently he still had to avoid food and not touch water.

On Friday night, when Lan Muge logged into "Beacon Era", the chat area of ​​the Red Blood League was busy, and he never participated in group chats.

[Friend] Jun Wuxia: You said you invited me to dinner, are you free tomorrow night?

[Friend] Lone Walker: The wound on your arm hasn't healed yet.

[Friend] Jun Wuxia: The stitches were removed yesterday, and the doctor said that the recovery is good, and it will not affect my actions and work at all.

[Friend] Lone Traveler: Well, you decide the time and place.

Lan Muge was stunned. He thought she would cook in person. It turned out that she said that next time, she would just go out to invite him to dinner, but he accepted it. There will always be a chance in the future.

[Friend] Jun Wuxia: Do you have any favorite restaurant?
[Friend] Lone Traveler: No, I can do whatever I want, you decide.

Lan Muge felt a little depressed, she didn't seem to take this date seriously at all, she just invited him to dinner, or she just apologized because he was injured that day.

However, he still accepted.

[Friend] Jun Wuxia: Tilan restaurant at seven o'clock tomorrow night, is that okay?
[Friend] Lone Traveler: Yes.

[Friend] Jun Wuxia: I have a reservation, and I will pick you up at about 06:30.

[Friend] Lone Traveler: OK.

Lan Muge was in a happy mood, and his relationship with Yan Xi took another step forward.

In the past, he only had a glimpse of Yan Xi and had a visual aesthetic feeling for Yan Xi.

Later, she rejected him repeatedly, and found that she was not very beautiful, and her temperament was not very prominent, even cold and old-fashioned, but she was better than kind, polite, elegant and intellectual.

But there are countless kind, polite, elegant and intellectual women, and she said she has a boyfriend, he almost gave up on her, but after thinking about her, he gradually discovered Yan Xi's true character and hobbies.

He wants to develop a real friend relationship with her, like his relationship with Ah Luo, and he doesn't mind developing a real boyfriend and girlfriend relationship with her.

At this moment, he couldn't predict what kind of relationship he would develop with her in the future.However, he was looking forward to it.

Received a message from @allmembers.

[Red Blood League] Canghai Yijian: @All Members, at [-]:[-] on Saturday night, the Freedom War League sent out a battle post, our army will take part in the battle, the quota is ten people, registration is now open, registration will end before [-] in the evening, and finally choose comprehensive strength top ten players.

[Red Blood Alliance] Falling soot: Last time we won the Sirius Group, and the Freedom Alliance also won the day before yesterday. The Freedom Alliance has risen to the second alliance in the server. This time, the Freedom Alliance issued a battle post. It appears to be replacing it.

[Red Blood League] International female hooligans: There is a sense of sight of a master duel.

[Red Blood Alliance] Kissed your lips: This young master has always been used to the first, and the second will make him very upset.

[Red Blood League] Master teaser: Then you need to get used to being very, very, very... unhappy.

[Red Blood Alliance] Kissed your lips: ...

[Red Blood Alliance] The handsome man on the stars: In this battle of glory, this young master decided to join the battle.

[Red Blood League] International female hooligans: @打男高手, Lone Traveler, this woman is not gentle, will you join the war?
[Red Blood League] Master teaser: For the sake of the game, I am willing to turn down tomorrow night's date.

[Red Blood Alliance] Lone Walker: I will not participate.

[Red Blood Alliance] This woman is not gentle: I will not participate either.

[Red Blood League] Kissed your lips: No, why don't you participate, there are fewer girls in the first place, without you two, I feel depressed.

[Red Blood League] Master teaser: You two have a date?

[Red Blood Alliance] This woman is not gentle: it is inconvenient to disclose.

[Red Blood Alliance] Lone Walker: It is inconvenient to disclose.

[Red Blood Alliance] Male flirt master: Black line, did you two make an agreement?

[Red Blood Alliance] Lone Walker: No.

[Red Blood Alliance] This woman is not gentle: No.

[Red Blood Alliance] Master flirtatious men: Black line, why don't you say no?
Yin Ziheng saw the news, why didn't the Lone Traveler participate?At 08:30 on a Saturday night, I was off work if not on vacation.

Yin Ziheng thought for a while, and sent a message to Cang Haiyijian.

[Friend] The handsome man on the star: Cang Hai, how many people have signed up so far?

[Friend] A Sword in the Sea: Not many, everyone may have a date on Saturday night.

[Friend] The handsome man on the star: Who has signed up for the time being?

Canghai Yijian directly copied and sent the current registration list.

Yin Ziheng took a look, but did not see Jun Wuxia's name. Jun Wuxia was online, but he didn't sign up, and the lone traveler didn't sign up either. The two might have an affair.

What to do?How can the eldest brother turn the tide and win love?

[Friend] The handsome man on the stars: Miss Yan Xi, why don't you participate in the team battle tomorrow night?

[Friend] Lone Traveler: It is inconvenient to disclose.

Yin Ziheng's face was full of black lines. Now that he knew Jun Wuxia's true identity, he couldn't do anything about Jun Wuxia, and he still pretended not to know, really upset!

He even suspected that all his chat records with Lone Traveler were exposed under Jun Wuxia's nose!

(End of this chapter)

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