I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 348 The Opera Dinner 08

Chapter 348 The Opera Dinner 08
After dinner, Lan Muge sent Yan Xi home.

Standing under the street lamp, Lan Muge looked at her. He hadn't said goodbye for a long time. It was only a little past nine o'clock. Would she invite him to come to her house?

"Thank you for taking me back, goodbye." Yan Xi said.

"I'll be honest with you, I thought you were going to invite me up for a cup of tea, or a game, or something, no, nothing, I definitely didn't mean that, just pure friends, learning about each other's lives. "Lan Muge explained, don't misunderstand him.

"My house is a bit messy, you should know what it would be like to live alone." Yan Xi politely refused, it was okay to look at Lan Muge like this, she was not afraid of Lan Muge, she was afraid of herself.

"Understood. In fact, there is one more thing you haven't mentioned. I wonder if you still remember?" Lan Muge asked. At that time, I didn't know whether she was perfunctory or telling the truth.

"What's the matter?" There were very few things she couldn't remember.

"You said you went to eat at my house, but there was no more." Lan Muge said, he thought she would greet him during his injury, or go to his house in person.

"When did I say that?" Yan Xi couldn't help but feel puzzled, she never said that.

"You sent me home that day, and I invited you to stay for dinner, but you refused, but let me say again, can I do it next time? I formally invited you to dinner. You said yes at the time." Lan Muge recounted the scene at that time.

"I thought you just invited me to dinner, not to your house, and I thought tonight would count as well." Yan Xi said frankly.

"If you say that, can I say I'm disappointed? In fact, you can pretend to admit that you forgot, instead of making a mistake." Lan Muge showed a disappointed expression.

"Some things that don't matter can be faked, but some things can't be faked." She already had too many fakes.

"I still understand. Can I formally invite you to my house for dinner?" Lan Muge made an invitation.

"I don't think it's suitable." Yan Xi expressed his embarrassment.

"Don't get me wrong, it's definitely not a drama to meet the parents, it's just getting to know each other, if you're worried about causing misunderstandings, I can invite A Luo to join me." Lan Muge said quickly.

"This is even more unsuitable. Eating with my boss will make me feel very heavy pressure." Yan Xi said, and he had a quarrel with President Gu.

"I still understand. Next Thursday is my sister's and I's birthday, twin sister. Can I invite you to my open-air party at my house in the evening? It's an informal party, very relaxed." Lan Muge invited again.

"That's fine, but don't make me the focus, otherwise I'll be under pressure." Yan Xi didn't refuse, and it's necessary to understand.

"Don't worry, you can keep a low profile. When is your birthday?" Lan Muge looked surprised.

"I'll tell you later." Yan Xi hesitated for a moment, maybe there was no future, so he didn't say anything for now.

"That's good. Now you want to say goodbye to me, is there anything else you want to say?" Lan Muge looked at her expectantly.

"Goodbye, drive carefully and be safe."

"Is this what you still want to say?" Lan Muge expressed sadness.

"I've said goodbye twice, if you don't go..."

"Are you going to change your mind?" Lan Muge answered her words.

"No, I'm leaving." Yan Xi smiled.

"Okay, goodbye, good night, you go first." Lan Muge watched her leave.

Lan Muge didn't get in the car until he saw her walking into the community.


(End of this chapter)

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