I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 350 The Opera Dinner 10

Chapter 350 The Opera Dinner 10
On Monday, after get off work at noon, Qin Hao and Ye Piaopiao had lunch together.

"We've been together for so long, and we haven't formally invited Director He and the others to dinner. Last time I planned to ask you to invite Director He and the others to have dinner together, but you and Yan Xi have to work overtime temporarily. Can you do it tonight?" Ye Piaopiao asked .

"There shouldn't be any overtime work tonight. Just us, Director He, Yan Xi and Xiaoxia, and Hua Cuo?" Qin Hao said, Piao Piao and Hua Cuo also have a good relationship.

"Of course, Huacuo often treats us to dinner." Ye Piaopiao said, regarding food, Huacuo is very generous, absolutely foodie, and eat so much without gaining weight.

"Is Hua Cuo single? Or do you really have a boyfriend?" Qin Hao smiled narrowly. Although Hua Cuo looked a bit seductive, after getting in touch with him, he found that Hua Cuo was definitely a real man, without a hint of femininity.

"I don't know. When he first came, we asked him if he had a girlfriend. He said he didn't have a girlfriend, but he had a boyfriend. I don't know if he was joking. We have never met his boyfriend." Ye Piao Piao said, she doesn't believe that Hua Cuo likes men.

"Then he must be joking, does he live alone?" Qin Hao remembered one thing, the president asked about Hua Cuo before.

"I don't know, I've never heard him mention his family or anything like that, but with a monthly salary of five to six thousand, he doesn't seem to worry about money. And he dares to ask for leave often to travel." Ye Piaopiao said.

In an international metropolis like Jingyang City, a monthly salary of [-] to [-] is considered to be at the lower-middle level, and you can support yourself, but don't even think about traveling.

Qin Hao thought about it. In fact, it is not impossible to become a star with Hua Cuo’s conditions. However, Hua Cuo is willing to be an ordinary computer repairman, so Hua Cuo has some confidence and capital, but if Hua Cuo has money , Why do you want to be a maintenance worker with a monthly salary of five or six thousand?
After paying the bill, the two went back to the company together.

"By the way, Director He should call Dr. Yin." Ye Piaopiao suddenly remembered that Yan Xi seemed not interested in Yin Zimo, but Yin Zimo was very interested in Yan Xi.

"Here, Dr. Yin is a doctor, and the time may not come." Qin Hao was very embarrassed in his heart, so Yin Zimo should be spared. He was not targeting Yin Zimo, but to sweep away the love rivals for the president.

"There shouldn't be a problem with the time. Doctor Yin's working hours are from nine to five." Ye Piaopiao said, Yin Zimo is not an ordinary doctor. I heard from Director He that Yin Zimo was born in a medical family, and his father was affiliated with Jingyang University. The director of the hospital is called a national player, and his mother is an internationally renowned specialist doctor.

Qin Hao was depressed and torn. If he indirectly disclosed this matter to the president, he would probably have to work overtime tonight. If he didn't tell him, would the president blame him for not reporting it after knowing about it?

About to go to the company, I saw Tian Na talking with a man on the side of the road from a distance. I couldn't hear what the two said, but they seemed very angry and excited.

"Is that her boyfriend?" Ye Piaopiao took a closer look, and heard Xiaoxia say that she met Tian Na with a scumbag boyfriend at the bar. Fortunately, Yan Xi took Tian Na away at that time.

"I don't know." Qin Hao narrowed his eyes. He had never met Tian Na's boyfriend, but this man didn't look like Tian Na's boyfriend. Tian Na's vision was absolutely impossible to be so low.

(End of this chapter)

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