I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 353 Mu Ge's Birthday 03

Chapter 353 Mu Ge's Birthday 03
"My mother often has headaches recently. She takes painkillers for headaches. Will taking too much painkillers affect her body?" Qin Hao looked worried.

"It's not good to eat too much, and it is easy to develop dependence and drug resistance. If you have a severe headache, you should go for a checkup." Yin Zimo suggested.

"My dad asked her to go to the hospital for an examination, but she didn't bother to go, saying that she would be fine after taking some painkillers."

"Does your mother have any troubles? Does she have insomnia or other symptoms? Bad emotions can also cause headaches. The elderly are prone to neurasthenia, which can also cause headaches."

"My mother is only in her 50s and she is still working. She is about ten years away from retirement. She shouldn't be suffering from a nervous breakdown." Qin Hao is really worried now, his mother loves beauty, and she looks only in her 40s look.

The two chatted and walked into the restaurant, chose a seat and sat down.

Hua Cuo and Yan Xi walked together and naturally sat together.

There was no one sitting on the other side of Yan Xi, and everyone realized that this seat was reserved for Yin Zimo, but Qin Hao sat down.

"Qin Hao, sit next to me." Ye Piaopiao glanced at him, usually his EQ is quite high, why is he so ignorant?
Qin Hao had no choice but to move his position.

Yin Zimo sat next to Yan Xi, and before he could speak, Qin Hao on the other side started talking to him again.

Yin Zimo was very depressed. It wasn't that he hated Qin Hao, but that Qin Hao always had endless topics to talk about.

"Zi Mo, did you hit it off with Qin Hao?" He Qingshan felt strange, didn't Zi Mo come here because of Yan Xi?Why do you keep talking to Qin Hao?

"Yes, it's too late to meet each other." Qin Hao smiled.

Yin Zimo really didn't know what to say. To be honest, he felt that he and Qin Hao were just ordinary friends, but Qin Hao said so.

"Qin Hao, order." Huacuo pushed the menu to Qin Hao.

"You order, Piao Piao said you are good at ordering." Qin Hao pushed the menu back.

"It's better for each person to choose a dish, Yan Xi, you choose first." Hua Cuo pushed the menu card to Yan Xi next to him.

Yan Xi selected a three fresh tofu, and then pushed the menu to Yin Zimo who was next to him.

Yin Zimo randomly selected one, and then pushed the menu to Qin Hao who was next to him.

When it was Zhuang Xiaoxia's turn, Zhuang Xiaoxia smiled flatteringly: "Brother-in-law, can I choose two?"

"Based on your cousin-in-law, you can choose three." Qin Hao said proudly.

"Thank you cousin-in-law." Zhuang Xiaoxia unceremoniously selected three dishes.

After taking turns to order, they continued to chat.

"Yan Xi, do you want tea or lukewarm water?" Yin Zimo made tea, and Cantonese restaurants have a custom of making tea.

"Wen Shui, thank you." In fact, Yan Xi was a little embarrassed, she understood Zi Mo's meaning, but she couldn't respond, this kind of intentional ignorance felt bad.

Yin Zimo added warm water for her, remembering that she used to drink tea, but since the last time I had dinner with her, I realized that she no longer drinks tea.

"Yan Xi, you are really strange. You never drink tea, coffee, or carbonated drinks." Ye Piaopiao said, Yan Xi is not picky about food, but if he doesn't drink these, he really doesn't drink at all.

"I think it's good to drink plain water, or add a slice of lemon." Yan Xi picked up the warm water and drank it slowly.

After a while, the waiter began to serve the dishes. The Cantonese dishes are full of color, fragrance and taste, and the taste is mostly delicious, which is easy to whet the appetite.

The dinner was quite enjoyable, and it was almost nine o'clock after the meal.

He Qingshan passed by Zhuang Xiaoxia's home, so he sent Zhuang Xiaoxia home by the way.

Ye Piaopiao was with Qin Hao, Yan Xi, Hua Cuo, and Yin Zimo were the rest.

"Yan Xi, I'll take you home." Yin Zimo walked to Yan Xi's side.

"No, I'm wrong with Hua." Yan Xi was thinking about whether she should get a driver's license and buy a car.

Yin Zimo's expression was gloomy, Hua Cuo was not on the same path as her, she was rejecting him on purpose.

In the end, Yan Xi left in Huacuo's car, and Yin Zimo's car followed, after all, they were on the same road.

After leaving the parking lot, Hua Cuo said, "Why did you reject Yin Zimo?"

"There's no need for a reason." Yan Xi looked at the moving night scene outside the window.

"I thought you liked Yin Zimo." Not thinking, but affirming.

"Where do you get that?"

"Feeling." Hua Cuo had this feeling in her heart, including the way she looked at Yin Zimo, which seemed calm but not showing any emotion.

"Is it just a feeling?" Yan Xi glanced at him.

"It doesn't matter if you don't believe my feelings, you just need to believe your own feelings." Hua Cuo said, anyway, I have no right to stop you from liking someone.

Yan Xi had nothing to say, Hua Cuo insisted on thinking so, she couldn't help it.

Going to Tianhe Xiaoyuan, Yan Xi got off the car and walked into the community.

Hua Cuo turned around and left, brushed past Yin Zimo's car, and went in opposite directions.


(End of this chapter)

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