I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 366 Mu Ge's Birthday 16

Chapter 366 Mu Ge's Birthday 16
On Friday, Lan Muge went to work on time, brought the model to the office, and worked hard when he was free.

The phone on the desk vibrated, a call from Awei.

Lan Muge answered the phone immediately, but after searching for so long, he couldn't find Cao Bo, the trash. Why did Cao Bo escape?The others did not escape either.

"Young master, I found Cao Bo in Cao Bo's hometown. I beat him for half an hour before he recruited him. He said it was a man named Hong who paid him to take a woman named Yan Xi to Lihong. Hotel, I have asked Ah Zhe to find Brother Hong. One more thing, Cao Bo said that the woman named Yan Xi came to him that night, and he also confessed, and he fled back to his hometown because he was afraid that Brother Hong would make trouble for him." Awei is still in other provinces.

Lan Muge was a little surprised that Yan Xi found Cao Bo that night?How did she find Cao Bo?Why has she been hiding this?

Until the afternoon, Ah Zhe called.

"Young Master, Brother Hong's real name is Hong Quan. He is the boss of Lizi Street in the West District, but this grandson should have escaped. People who know Hong Quan say that they haven't seen Hong Quan for almost two weeks. The last time they saw Hong Quan was On Friday nights in the past two weeks, in the hunter bar, I went to the hunter bar and asked, and found something, a bartender said that a woman asked if Hong was there that night, and the woman went upstairs I don’t know if I was looking for Hong Quan or not. But after this night, Hong Quan disappeared.”

Lan Muge frowned, and ran away again?

The woman the bartender mentioned should be Yan Xi. Yan Xi has already found Hong Quan. Why is Hong Quan missing?Or should it have escaped?

There should be someone behind Hong Quan, Yan Xi knew about this person, and Hong Quan probably ran away because he was afraid of being retaliated by this person.

Although Hong Quan is rubbish, he is also the leader of the street, maybe Yan Xi is very skilled, why would she dare to go to Hong Quan alone?

Lan Muge suddenly felt that she couldn't understand her. When I first met her, I thought she was ordinary and sincere, quiet and elegant. Later, I thought she was cold and full of passion. Then I thought she was beautiful and charming. Now I think she... Mysterious.

Lan Muge took the car keys and left the office, and drove straight to Shengshi Building.

It was exactly six o'clock in the evening when we went to the underground parking lot.

Lan Muge took out her mobile phone and dialed her mobile number: "Yan Xi, are you off work?"

"I'm about to leave work."

"If I tell you that I'm waiting for you in the parking lot downstairs of your company, what will you do?"

"Can I say no?"

"You can't refuse me so cruelly. If you don't come down, I can only go up to find you."

"Wait for me five minutes."

"I'll wait for you." Lan Muge hung up happily.

In less than 5 minutes, Yan Xi came to the parking lot, and saw the stunning red Ferrari, and Lan Muge in casual clothes.

Lan Muge opened the car door for her: "Please get in the car."

"Thank you." Yan Xi got into the car.

Lan Muge got in the car and started the car.

Yan Xi glanced at him. President Gu didn't tell him what happened last night?It was embarrassing for her.

After leaving the parking lot, Lan Muge said, "Take you to a place for dinner."

"Is it just for dinner?" Yan Xi asked, because of President Gu's various reasons, her relationship with Lan Muge became a little strange.

"I can also follow your arrangement. Do you have any suggestions?" Lan Muge asked with a smile. He would be happy to follow her arrangement, or she could invite him to her home.

"You decide." Yan Xi is always casual.

"I thought you would come up with some good suggestions." Lan Muge pretended to be disappointed.

(End of this chapter)

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