I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 369 Mu Ge's Birthday 19

Chapter 369 Mu Ge's Birthday 19
Lan Muge took a wooden stick and violently beat Hong all over his body.

"Ah!" Hong Quan let out a scream like killing a pig.

Awei and others felt pain when they saw it, the young master didn't care about life or death.

"Don't hit me, please don't hit me! It's none of my business, really none of my business! It was Mr. Han who asked me to take people captive, and I didn't get anyone..." Hong Quan's tears and snot came out, he had already been beaten a couple of hours.

"You've been captured, do you still have your life here?" Lan Muge patted Hong Quan's swollen face with a wooden stick.

"I was wrong, I was wrong, I don't know Taishan with my eyes, please let me go, I was just ordered by Han Shao, I will not dare in the future!" Hong Quan regretted it, if he knew that woman was not easy , How dare he go to kidnap people.

"Is there a woman looking for you that night?"

"Yes, yes, it is the woman that Young Master Han wanted to kidnap. She came to find me and tied me up. She also took my mobile phone to talk to Young Master Han, and then she left. I told Young Master Han afterwards, Young Master Han said that I betrayed him and he wanted to kill me, so I fled to City B." Hong Quan felt wronged, and he kindly informed Young Master Han, but Young Master Han wanted to block him.

"Drag it inside and lock it." Lan Muge ordered.

Awei and the others untied the hanging rope, dragged Cao Bo and Hong Quan into the house and locked them up.

Within an hour, Ah Zhe invited Han Ziming over.

Han Ziming didn't know what happened, so he came forward to say hello with a smile.

"Lan Shao, long time no see."

"Are you happy?" Lan Muge also smiled, but it was a sinister smile.

"Hehe, Young Master Lan, you personally sent someone to invite me. Why am I not happy?" Han Ziming smiled flatteringly. Young Master Lan is also famous, but he has never played with him. Instead, he has a good relationship with Gu Jinluo , the person he hated most since childhood was Gu Jinluo.

Lan Muge was furious, and punched Han Ziming to break Han Ziming's smile.

Han Ziming was caught off guard, screamed in pain, and fell to the ground. He was completely dumbfounded. Why did Young Master Lan hit him?
Before Han Ziming could react, Lan Muge kicked Han Ziming, and Han Ziming fell three or four meters.

Han Ziming screamed again, held his stomach and raised his head, watching Lan Muge walk over.

"Lan, Lan Shao? Forgive me, why did you hit me?"

"Did Yan Xi tell you anything?" Lan Muge looked at Han Ziming condescendingly, Yan Xi found Hong Quan, and also talked to Han Ziming, Yan Xi just let Han Ziming go?

"Yan Xi?" Han Ziming turned pale with shock, how did Young Master Lan know about this?
"Say!" Lan Muge kicked Han Ziming again.

"Young Master Lan! She didn't tell me anything!" Han Ziming was also puzzled for a long time. Yan Xi already knew that he had sent someone to kidnap her, but she didn't look for him or call the police. After two weeks, he thought Let's just let this matter go, I never thought that Lan Shao would mention it today!

"Why did you find someone to kidnap Yanxi?" Lan Muge asked.

"I, I just want to threaten her." Han Ziming said without confidence, and he didn't get caught either.

"Threat? Threat to go to the hotel?" Lan Muge's voice was cold, and he stepped on Han Ziming's head.

Han Ziming's face was pressed against the rough concrete floor, and he was so sad that he didn't dare to say anything. He just wanted to take a picture of Yan Xi's bed to threaten her.

"Say!" Lan Muge exerted force on her feet.

"Young Master Lan! Let me tell you, I will tell you right away, please let me go first." Han Ziming cried out in pain.

(End of this chapter)

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