I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 385 No. 9 Clubhouse 05

Chapter 385 No. 05 Clubhouse [-]
"There is no combination of both today. What kind of movies do you like to watch? Martial arts movies? Cartoons? Horror movies? I think you would like to watch suspense movies." Hua Cuo clicked on the mobile phone ticketing app to check.

"It's okay." Yan Xi doesn't care, as long as the movie is not too boring, she can accept it.

"That's the suspense movie. The earliest show is at ten o'clock in the morning. We're leaving now. After watching it, it's just lunch time." Hua mistakenly bought a ticket with her mobile phone.

"Wait for me a while." Yan Xi went back to his room to change clothes.

"You don't need makeup, I'm used to seeing you without makeup." Hua Cuo said.

Yan Xi's face turned dark, and finally changed into a set of simple but elegant clothes, no make-up, only a light lipstick.

Hua chose the theater in Huiyue Department Store by mistake. It was less than ten o'clock and there was no traffic in the department store.

After redeeming the ticket, I spent the wrong time to buy Coke and popcorn.

"Yan Xi, do you want Coke or orange juice?" Hua Cuo asked, knowing that she usually doesn't drink Coke.

"Orange juice." Yan Xi said.

Hua mistakenly bought two glasses of orange juice and a bucket of popcorn, and went to the screening room.

At ten o'clock in the morning, the huge projection room was empty, and the two of them almost booked the show.

Hua chose the back seat by mistake, there was no one in the back seat, and there were only a few people in the front seat.

The screening room was very dark, and the scenes of the suspense film were also very dark. In addition, there were no people, and the couple in front were kissing.

Hua Cuo leaned closer to Yan Xi's ear, and whispered, "Actually, almost every movie theater has several cameras in the projection room, and the night vision is excellent. Everyone can be seen clearly in the monitoring room, so if Whatever you want to do will be clearly seen by the surveillance personnel."

"I didn't want to do anything." Yan Xi's lips twitched, it was a public place.

"If you want to do something to me, I don't mind being seen by the surveillance personnel." Hua Cuo said jokingly.

"I mind." Yan Xi said, what can she do to Hua Cuo?
"Forget it then. I want to tell you that this is the first time I've officially come to the cinema to watch a movie." Hua Cuo said happily.

"It wasn't formal for you to go to the theater to watch movies before?" Yan Xi asked, is it formal or not?
Hua couldn't answer the phone by mistake, it's really not official, I've been to the theater before, but not for watching movies.

Hua handed over the popcorn by mistake: "Eat the popcorn."

Yan Xi didn't answer: "I don't want to eat, you eat."

Hua Cuo asked: "Why don't you want to eat it, it's delicious."

Yan Xi said, "It will stick to your teeth."

Hua Cuo handed it forward again: "It won't stick to the teeth, I have eaten it."

With a helpless expression on his face, Yan Xi grabbed a few popcorns and put them in his mouth.

Hua Cuo asked: "Is it delicious?"

Yan Xi swallowed it and said, "It's okay. But I don't want to eat it. I'm a little full after drinking orange juice. You can eat it."

Hua Cuo took away the popcorn and ate it himself.

This is a suspense film with a bit of horror, a bit of precision, and a bit of horror.

When the horror clip suddenly appeared, the people in front screamed.

Hua Cuo was very calm, and approached Yan Xi quietly, and asked in a low voice, "Do you feel scary?"

"I think you're scary." Yan Xi watched the movie without looking sideways, Huacuo floated around her like a ghost, please don't disturb her watching the movie!

Hua Cuo's face darkened, and she moved away silently, holding a bucket of popcorn and eating silently.

(End of this chapter)

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