I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 387 No. 9 Clubhouse 07

Chapter 387 No. 07 Clubhouse [-]
After the two settled the bill, it was only after three o'clock in the afternoon.

Hua Cuo asked: "Do you want to buy underwear, I can wait for you outside. Of course, if you don't mind if I go into the store to accompany you, I don't mind either."

Yan Xi's lips twitched: "No need."

Hua mistakenly looked at the time and said, "Let's go buy shoes, then go back, go to the market to buy vegetables, and we can cook dinner when we get home."

Yan Xi had no objection, she really needed to buy shoes, she threw away a pair of shoes last time.

Both need to buy sneakers, so they go to a shoe store that sells sneakers.

"This style is the same for men and women, and the classic color is black and white. Do we want black or white?" Huacuo has already chosen.

"Do you want black or white?" Yan Xi took a look, she was just planning to pick a pair at random, but she had to admit that Hua Cuo has a good eye.

"I want white." Hua Cuo said.

"I want black." Yan Xi didn't want to be the same color as him, but black and white both look good, classic style.

"Then I want black too." Hua Cuo changed her mind.

"Why do you want to have the same color as me?" Yan Xi was upset, she didn't want to compete with him.

"I like it." Hua Cuo smiled at her.

Yan Xi's face turned dark, he was really a rascal.

After paying the bill, Yan Xi had to buy short boots and high heels.

It's fall season right now, with lots of boots just hitting the shelves.

"You don't need to wear such high heels, three centimeters is enough." Hua Cuo went to choose for her without authorization.

"Are you worried that I'm taller than you?" Yan Xi can probably see the mentality of a man, and Lan Muge has this mentality.

"Okay, I admit it. But your height is already relatively tall. If you wear such high heels, it is easy for the opposite sex to stop, and wearing too high high heels will make walking very painful." Hua Cuo said, if she wears six The seven centimeter high heels were almost as tall as him.

Yan Xi chose a pair of regular black high-heeled shoes, and sat on a stool to try them on. Simple black high-heeled shoes can be worn with professional suits or trousers.

"I think silver pointed-toe high-heeled shoes are more suitable for you." Hua chose a pair of silver high-heeled shoes by mistake, walked up to her, and squatted down.

Yan Xi took a look, and she was indeed more suitable for silver pointed high heels. Many of her high heels were silver, and the silver color did not make her skin dark.

"lay down."

"I can help you put it on, you lift your feet." Hua wrongly handed her the shoes for her to try on.

"No, let it go."

"It's the first time I put on shoes for a lady, don't you refuse, okay?" Hua Cuo kept handing the high heels.

The salesperson next to him was full of envy and said, "Miss, your boyfriend is so caring, so don't refuse."

Yan Xi's face darkened, "He's not my boyfriend."

The salesperson smiled and said, "I believe it will be available soon."

Hua Cuo just smiled and said nothing.

Yan Xi directly took the high heels in his hand and put them on by himself.

Hua Cuo said appreciatively: "It's very beautiful, you stand up and walk around, try it out, if you don't feel comfortable, don't force it."

Yan Xi stood up and took a few steps. The three centimeter high heels were almost like flat shoes.

After choosing high heels, I chose a pair of black short boots.

After buying, the two returned with a full load.

When we returned to Tianhe Xiaoyuan, it was already five o'clock in the afternoon. Facing the sunset, Yan Xi and Hua Cuo walked to the market to buy vegetables, and spent the weekend with Hua Cuo like this.


(End of this chapter)

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