I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 399 Love Viewpoint 09

Chapter 399 Love Viewpoint 09
After eating until almost 10:30 in the evening, all the food was finally settled.

"Look, true love should be like this." Kong Ru put down her chopsticks.

Yan Xi didn't bother to explain, and felt full and greasy just looking at it, so he took a cup of sour plum juice for Hua by mistake.

With a satisfied face, Hua Cuo picked up the plum juice and drank it slowly.

After leaving the barbecue restaurant, Hua Cuo said: "It's already late, I'll take you back."

Kong Ru didn't refuse either. After all, it was so late, it was difficult to get a taxi, and it was not safe.

After sending Kong Ru home, Hua Cuo sent Yan Xi back home.

On the way, Hua Cuo said: "Since Miss Kong's ex-boyfriend has no time and ability, he shouldn't have pursued her in the first place."

Yan Xi thought for a while and said, "Miss Kong is incapable of being tolerant and considerate of her ex-boyfriend, so she shouldn't have accepted him in the first place."

Hua Cuo was taken aback for a moment, then said, "So is this a wrong love?"

Yan Xi didn't think so: "If there is no result, is it a mistake?"

Hua Cuo said: "There is a very popular saying, love that is not for the purpose of marriage is hooliganism."

Yan Xi had nothing to say. In this way, she played a hooligan before, and maybe she will always be a hooligan in the future.

After a moment of silence, Huacuo asked again: "Yanxi, when are you getting married?"

"So what if I get married?" Yan Xi was puzzled, why Hua Cuo asked such a strange question.

"Because I want to know who the groom is." Hua Cuo looked at the dark road ahead.

"When will you get married? Who is the bride?" Yan Xi asked without answering.

Hua Cuo was startled, he had never thought about this question before.

"I don't know when I'll get married, maybe I'll never get married." Hua Cuo's voice seemed a little sad. It's a pity that there is no love and marriage, but I will never regret it.

Go to Tianhe Xiaoyuan.

"Goodbye." Yan Xi got out of the car.

"Goodbye, good night, you also say good night to me." Hua Cuo opened the car window and looked at her.

"Good night." Yan Xi was also looking at Hua Cuo, the car was too dark to see Hua Cuo's expression clearly.

Yan Xi turned around and walked into Tianhe Garden.

Hua Cuo drove for more than ten meters, and then stopped again. He didn't drive away until he saw light from the familiar window.


Today, Kong Ru went to work with red eyes, so she wore a pair of prescription glasses.

"Xiao Ru, why are you wearing glasses?" Xu Yonglin looked at the listless Kong Ru. Kong Ru was not short-sighted, but her eyes seemed to be red.

"Don't ask." Kong Ru turned on the computer and started working.

"Broken in love?" Xu Yonglin joked while flipping through today's entertainment news. Usually, Kong Ru talks the most and likes gossip entertainment news the most.

"Crow's mouth!" Kong Ru's emotions, which had just calmed down, were a little fluctuating now.

"Really broken in love?" Xu Yonglin looked surprised.

Kong Ru didn't say a word, and adjusted his glasses that he wasn't used to.

"The matter between Goddess Song and the CEO seems to be out of context. Goddess Song's new drama has already started broadcasting. The costumes are very beautiful, and the male protagonist is also very handsome, but the plot is bloody. Goddess Song and the male protagonist love each other to death. , moved the world, the hero gave up the world and only loved the heroine. I don’t know why so many people like to watch this kind of Mary Su drama, and you like it the most.” Xu Yonglin said, Kong Ru has nothing to do He will follow dramas, and his IQ will be swallowed by brain-dead dramas.

"You're the one who likes to watch Marysu dramas!" Kong Ru replied angrily.

Xu Yonglin was stunned, how did she offend Kong Ru?


(End of this chapter)

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