I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 402 Cohabitation Life 02

Chapter 402 Cohabitation Life 02
"I'm not Goddess Song, let alone Han Qianjin! I didn't force him to become the president. I just want him to be more romantic, richer, and considerate. He can show up when I'm in trouble. Is there something wrong with me? ?” Kong Ru said dissatisfied.

"Are you romantic yourself? Are you rich? Are you considerate of him? Can you show up when he is in trouble? Some women are simply crazy, feminist whores, while shouting for equality between men and women, calling for women's independence, while Asking men how to pamper themselves is a typical double standard." Xu Yonglin wanted to laugh.

Equal love can last forever, Kong Ru only thinks about taking, and doesn't know how to give at all.

For most women, to love means to be loved.

Today's women think that a man who doesn't spoil his wife is a scumbag, and as long as a man spoils his wife like a princess, this is the standard of a good man!

funny!Do you really think you are a princess?

If you don't give money to your husband, and you don't know how to spoil him, then are you a scumbag?

If a husband doesn't spoil his wife, doesn't do housework, doesn't provide for the family, or even cheats, domestic violence, etc., all women will say: This man is a scumbag.

Is he really a scumbag?
No, he is a scumbag, just because he doesn't want to treat you well.

In other words, your weight is not enough to make him treat you well, not enough to make him change, make him work hard, make him love his family, and make him gentle.

In the final analysis, it is you who chose the wrong man, and you are not strong and good enough, so you have to bear the consequences of your mistakes.

When calling a man a scumbag, look at your weight and value.

In the process of growing up, people do not want to make their husbands, children, or others better, but to make themselves better.

"What's the difference? I'm a woman. No matter how powerful a woman is, she needs a man's care and love. A man must protect a woman. If a man can't be a woman's reliance, if a man can't give me a sense of security, then what do I need a man for. "Kong Ru took it for granted that a good man would dote on his girlfriend or wife.

"It's you who need care and love, and you need to rely on it. If you are strong and good enough, are you afraid of insecurity? You think about men's care and love all day long. Do you take care of men? Do you love men? ? Have you protected the man?" Xu Yonglin rolled her eyes, women naturally enjoy men's favor, no wonder women are weak.

"He is a big man, of course a man has to protect a woman, do you still want a woman to dote on him? Protect him? Why doesn't he just be a badass!" Kong Ru couldn't understand.

"A man's protection of a woman is simply a false proposition. Who are you? Why do you want to protect you? Funny! What he wants to protect is his lover and family, not women. You call a big man, but in fact no matter how big you are A man is just a human being, just like you. He also wants to be cared for when he is powerless. Your boyfriend is not an omnipotent domineering president, he is just a normal person. You say he has no time for you, he needs Work, parents and younger brother, if he ignores his parents and younger brother, is this man worthy of your love?" Xu Yonglin asked.

"I..." Kong Ru was momentarily at a loss for words, she just felt that the two of them spent too little time together.

"Is he motivated at work?" Xu Yonglin asked.

"Very motivated." Kong Ru nodded, he loved his work more than her.

(End of this chapter)

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