I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 406 Cohabitation Life 06

Chapter 406 Cohabitation Life 06
On Saturday morning, just after Yan Xi took a shower, he heard the ringtone of the building's landline.

Yan Xi picked up the receiver to answer.

"Yanxi, I'm downstairs at your house. I bought breakfast and brought some things with me. I have something urgent to tell you. It's not convenient to talk about it now. I'll talk about it when I come up." Hua Cuo's tone seemed very anxious .

Yan Xi pressed the unlock button.

After a while, Hua Cuo came up.

Yan Xi opened the door and looked at the flowers in front of the door.

Hua Cuo was holding a bag of breakfast in his left hand and a rather large suitcase in his right hand.

"What?" Yan Xi glanced at the suitcase.

"We'll talk about it during breakfast." Huacuo walked in, put down the suitcase, put the breakfast on the dining table, and then went to the kitchen to wash his hands.

Yan Xi had a bad feeling.

Hua Cuo didn't say anything until he started eating breakfast.

"This red bean cake is delicious." Hua Cuo pushed the lunch box in front of Yan Xi.

"Hmm. Do you have anything to say?" Yan Xi asked directly.

"Well, I encountered a very unlucky thing, I was kicked out by Yun Su." Hua Cuo looked very depressed.

"Then what?" Yan Xi raised his eyes, she was suspicious of the authenticity of what he said.

"Then, I was homeless and couldn't find a house for a while..."

"So you're going to stay in a hotel?" Yan Xi answered his words.

Hua Cuo's face darkened, and he said, "No, it's too expensive to stay in a hotel, and it's very inconvenient. You have a spare room at your house, can I stay at your house for a few days?"

"No." Yan Xi said without hesitation.

"Why not?" Hua Cuo had a sad face.

"The sheets in my house haven't been used for several years, they are very dirty, and the room hasn't been cleaned for a long time." The room has been vacant, and she usually doesn't bother to clean it.

"It's sunny today, and the sheets will be washed in a while, and they will definitely dry in the sun. I can clean the room myself." I don't mind the wrong flowers at all.

"I will be inconvenient."

"Where is it inconvenient? I will definitely not affect you, and I can also take care of cooking and housework. We can go to work together. How convenient."

"I usually don't wear underwear at home."

"It's okay, even if you don't wear underwear, I will never peep." Hua Cuo coughed lightly.

"I have something to do with it." Yan Xi's face darkened.

"I really won't spy on you, don't think of me as a perverted voyeur, I can buy you a bottle of anti-wolf spray, you can use it against me at any time, but you will never have the opportunity to use it on me " Hua Cuo said confidently.


"I have no place to live, so I'm going to live on the street. I'll move out as soon as I find a house. I'll just live for a few days." Hua Cuo had a pitiful face.

"How many days?" Yan Xi glanced at him.

Hua Cuo instantly beamed with joy, and said hesitantly, "Here, 30 days."

"Will it take a month to find a house?" Yan Xi expressed doubts.

"20 days..." Hua Cuo looked at her expectantly.

"Ten days." Yan Xi said.

"Ten days is not enough time to find a cheap and suitable house, and after finding the house, I may not be able to move in immediately. I may need to decorate, buy furniture, install electrical appliances, etc., and it will take at least two weeks." Hua Cuo Fight hard.

"Ten days." Yan Xi was unmoved.

"Well, I'm sorry to bother you. If you need me at home, you can use me anyway." Hua Cuo said.

(End of this chapter)

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