I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 408 Cohabitation Life 08

Chapter 408 Cohabitation Life 08
Songquan Mountain is a piece of dark green, beautiful scenery, far away from the hustle and bustle of the urban area, quiet and quiet.

Songquan Villa was built on the mountainside, with a unique landscape. There is an ultra-modern style villa in the center. The unique architectural appearance is like a special-shaped building that fell on Songquan Mountain.

Bai Shaohua is over fifty years old, but the years seem to have left no traces on her body. Her face is exquisite and beautiful, her figure is dignified and beautiful, and her clothes are elegant and decent. She comes from a famous family. Extraordinary.

"Mom, don't tell me when you're here." Gu Jinluo came down from the stairs.

"Don't you want me to come?" Bai Shaohua looked at her son. Recently, he seldom went back, so she had to come in person.

"No, I can pick you up at the airport." Gu Jinluo sat on the sofa.

"I thought you would be very busy on weekends." Bai Shaohua adjusted the time difference, now it's five o'clock in the afternoon, if his son has a girlfriend, he shouldn't be alone at home at this time.

Hearing the implication, Gu Jinluo fell silent, and couldn't help thinking, what is Yan Xi doing now, playing games with Mu Ge?Or did he go to a place like Club No. [-]?
"I'm curious, what kind of woman is it that can make you... hesitate." Bai Shaohua was a little worried. She didn't praise her son, but her son was really good and outstanding enough to say something proud, she It is her honor to see which woman her son likes.

"Mom, I hope you don't interfere." Gu Jinluo frowned slightly, he was almost sure that his mother would not like Yan Xi.

"Are you still to blame me for forcing Song Yixue away back then? I did go too far in that matter, and I was wrong. I dare not say it was for your own good." Bai Shaohua sighed slightly. She did not require her daughter-in-law to come from a famous family, but at least she would Born into an educated family.

"You are overthinking. I don't want to mention the past. I was wrong before..." Gu Jinluo understood a long time ago that even if he liked Yixue, he would never fall out with his mother. Now that he is mature and Be sensible and have enough ability to choose your own life.

Hearing this, Bai Shaohua couldn't help being moved. Her son could finally forgive her. She didn't want to create a estrangement with her son because of an insignificant Song Yixue.

"You go upstairs to rest first, and we will have dinner together later." Gu Jinluo looked at the time, it was already 05:30.

"Okay." Bai Shaohua got up and went upstairs.


Back in the room, Bai Shaohua thought about it, took out his cell phone and dialed a number.

"Auntie, good morning." Han Mengli's voice was light and sweet.

"Mengli, I just returned to China." Bai Shaohua smiled. She has always liked Mengli a girl, and she watched Mengli grow up.

"Here, good afternoon, auntie. Why did you come back suddenly? I can pick you up without notifying me in advance. I haven't seen you for a long time. I miss you very much." Han Mengli's tone was full of concern and longing, Compared with a gentle and quiet mother, she admires and admires women like her aunt more.

"I miss Mengli very much too, do you have time to have tea together tomorrow?" Bai Shaohua asked, she always regarded Mengli as her half-daughter.

"Of course I'm free. Recently I like to collect all kinds of tea, which is useless. My aunt must taste it for me." Han Mengli said happily.

"Okay, that's the deal." Naturally, Bai Shaohua was very happy, since he and her husband moved to Country Y, he only came back once in a while.

After hanging up the phone, Han Mengli's heart was heavy. Is it because of the scandal between Jin Luo and Song Yixue that Auntie came back this time?Or was it because of Jin Luo and... Yan Xi?
She sent the video to Lan Muge, and then the scandal between Jin Luo and Song Yixue broke out. From this, it can be guessed that Lan Muge and Jin Luo had a falling out because of Yan Xi.

If their brotherhood is firm, they should never fall out, but should see Yan Xi's true face clearly!

(End of this chapter)

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