I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 414 Cohabitation Life 14

Chapter 414 Cohabitation Life 14
"What do you want to eat tonight?" Hua Cuo asked.

"You decide." Yan Xi didn't care.

"After dinner, let's go to the supermarket." Hua Cuo suggested.

"There's nothing to buy." Yan Xi said.

"I want to buy cheese, spaghetti, and milk for breakfast tomorrow," Hua Cuo said.

"You can eat at the tea restaurant downstairs, or in the company's staff canteen." Yan Xi didn't want to be late for work.

"I eat in that tea restaurant every day, and I can change it to a fresh one. The breakfast in the company's employee restaurant is always sandwiches and coffee, all kinds of bread and milk, and there are three sets with porridge and three sets with pasta. , That's all, that's all." Huacuo had been to the company's employee restaurant before, and the menu was clear at a glance.

Yan Xi has never been to the company's staff canteen for breakfast, so she doesn't know, but she had lunch before and thought it was pretty good, maybe her requirements are relatively low.

When they reached the first floor, Zhen Ni said goodbye to the two: "Yan Xi, goodbye."

"Goodbye." Yan Xi replied.

"Goodbye." Hua Cuo smiled.

Zhen Ni took a wrong look at Hua, and then walked out of the elevator. Apart from his good looks, there was really nothing special about this man. According to the conversation between the two, this man was not a rich man, but an ordinary man. The office worker in the office is just a computer repairman, not even one ten-thousandth of the president.

Now that Yan Xi is living with a man, it is absolutely impossible for him to have something to do with the CEO. Could it be that she guessed wrong before?Or Miss Han misunderstood?


At noon on Tuesday, Ye Piaopiao called Yan Xi and Zhuang Xiaoxia to have lunch together.

Ye Piaopiao was frowning, the two people in front of her were single, Yan Xi seemed heartless, Zhuang Xiaoxia was not reliable at all.

"Cousin, why are you sighing?" Zhuang Xiaoxia ate non-stop, anyway, this meal was a treat for her cousin.

"Qin Hao said that his parents want to see me, but I'm not mentally prepared yet." Ye Piaopiao was a little annoyed. Although she had been with Qin Hao for half a year and she was 28 years old, she was not yet ready to meet her parents.

"His parents won't eat you, what are you afraid of?" Zhuang Xiaoxia smiled, her cousin has always been decisive and bold in her actions, why is she afraid of seeing her parents.

"I'm not afraid, but I don't want to. Meeting his parents is basically equivalent to getting engaged to him. If I don't decide to get married, I don't want to go to meet the other's parents." Ye Piaopiao said, her parents also want to see Qin Hao, but she Refused.

"Then did he propose to you?" Zhuang Xiaoxia asked ambiguously with a smile.

"If he proposes to me, I don't know what to do. He basically meets my criteria for choosing a spouse. I can't say how much I love him, but I like him. And marriage is not a matter of two people, but a matter of two families. His parents are both executives of big companies, and their positions are very high, so they may not like me." Ye Piaopiao still has self-knowledge.

Zhuang Xiaoxia couldn't figure out these twists and turns, it turns out that marriage is so complicated.

"Yan Xi, say something." Ye Piaopiao was very depressed.

"I've never been married, so I don't know much about it." Yan Xi said that he couldn't help.

Ye Piaopiao was amused.

"Then you will get married one day, I'm really curious about who your future husband will be." Ye Piaopiao couldn't imagine it at all.

"I'm curious too. However, I believe it must be a man." Yan Xi smiled, she probably won't get married.

Both Ye Piaopiao and Zhuang Xiaoxia had black lines all over their faces, and they suspected that Yan Xi liked the same sex before.

(End of this chapter)

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