I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 424 Yan Xi Resigns 04

Chapter 424 Yan Xi Resigns 04
"I heard that beggars now live in villas, and begging is their profession." Xu Yonglin didn't take it seriously, so she never gave money to beggars. If she wanted to donate, she would donate to the Red Cross.

"This beggar is different. He is a miserable old man. He lives in a dilapidated house. I'll send you the link." Kong Ru sent the URL.

Seeing that Xu Yonglin was about to get off work and had nothing to do, she clicked on the website to have a look.

"This old man is very miserable. His son is not filial, his wife is seriously ill, and the place he lives in is too bad. It seems that the house is about to collapse." Xu Yonglin's sympathy also overflowed.

"How did he beg for a 300 million necklace? I want to be a beggar." Of course Kong Ru was just talking.

"By the way, this sapphire necklace is really beautiful." Xu Yonglin saw the picture, and from her perspective as a woman, this sapphire necklace was very attractive.

"Nonsense, can a 300 million necklace not be beautiful?" Kong Ru rolled her eyes, she could never buy a 300 million necklace in her life, who can give her one?
At six o'clock, Kong Ru closed the webpage and got ready to leave work.

"Yan Xi hasn't come back yet? She didn't seem to be at work this afternoon. Tina, do you know where Yan Xi has gone?" Kong Ru asked, and usually when it was time to get off work, she would come up to Yan Xi by mistake, but she didn't come up today.

"Secretary Yan resigned at noon." Tian Na said, she also just got the news from Qin Hao.

"What? Why did Yan Xi resign suddenly?" Kong Ru asked in surprise.

"I don't know." Tian Na felt strange, unexpectedly, Yan Xi resigned faster than her, and she would resign in a few days, and heard that Qin Hao was looking for a new secretary for the president.

The employees in the office were all shocked. Yan Xi was not fired, but resigned. How many clerks were looking forward to the position of secretary to the president.

Zhen Ni was also very surprised. After thinking for a while, she decided to call Miss Han.


At six o'clock, Hua Cuo had already returned to Tianhe Xiaoyuan, and he left work early.

Yan Xi opened the door to let him in, took the things in his hands and took them into the kitchen.

Hua changed her shoes by mistake and asked, "Yanxi, do you have a spare key? This way I don't have to ask you to open the door every time I come back."

Yan Xi found out the spare key and threw it to him from a distance.

Hua Cuo reached out to catch it easily, and smiled at her: "Thank you."

Yan Xi glanced at him, he looked pretty good.

Hua mistakenly held these three old keys, which were like the keys of his house, what a beautiful texture.

After putting away the key by mistake, go to the kitchen to cook.

Yan Xi has nothing to do when he has nothing to do, and he also helps in the kitchen, after all, she can't eat for free.

"Xiaoxia and Piao Piao already knew that you had resigned, and they said they would have dinner together another day." Hua Cuo said while chopping vegetables.

"Let's talk." Yan Xi turned on the tap to wash the vegetables.

"Are you avoiding Yin Zimo?" Hua took a wrong look at her, and everyone could see that she was deliberately avoiding Yin Zimo.

"Yes, so what." Yan Xi did not deny that she and Zi Mo would not have anything to say, let alone a result.

Hua Cuo didn't expect her to admit it so directly. She rejected Yin Zimo at this moment. He was both happy and... sorry for her.

I don't know why she rejected Yin Zimo, whether it's He Qingshan, Piao Piao and Xiaoxia, or even him, they all think that Yan Xi and Yin Zimo are a good match.

Although I don't know what will happen to Yin Zimo in the future, everyone thinks that Yin Zimo is almost impeccable now.


(End of this chapter)

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