I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 426 Yan Xi Resigns 06

Chapter 426 Yan Xi Resigns 06
The air in Songquan Mountain is fresh. Even in early autumn, it is still dark green. The morning fog has not dissipated, and the whole Songquan Mountain is hazy and beautiful.

This morning, Gu Jinluo came down to eat breakfast very late.

Bai Shaohua was already drinking morning tea in the dining room, her face was a bit haggard, because of her son's words last night, she was so angry that she couldn't sleep.

"Mom, good morning." Gu Jinluo sat on the chair and greeted her as usual.

"En." Bai Shaohua replied, and then ordered the servant to serve breakfast.

The servant brought the newspaper and put it next to Gu Jinluo.

After drinking the black tea, Gu Jinluo picked up the newspaper and flipped through it. After reading for a while, she suddenly said, "Mom, did you give Yan Xi that Kashmir sapphire necklace?"

"Did she give it back to you?" Bai Shaohua sneered in his heart. What this woman said yesterday was all lies. I didn't expect this woman to be so clever and know how to make progress by retreating.

"No, look." Gu Jinluo pulled out a newspaper and handed it over.

Bai Shaohua took the newspaper suspiciously and read it slowly.

A beggar begging for a sapphire necklace worth 300 million?

After reading this report, Bai Shaohua's face turned blue with anger. This woman slapped her hard. The necklace she gave her, she turned around and sent it to the beggar?Also published in the newspaper?
Gu Jinluo laughed.

"What are you laughing at?" No matter how Bai Shaohua heard it, her son was making fun of her.

"It's nothing." Gu Jinluo put down the newspaper and took a slow drink of hot tea.

The servant brought an exquisite breakfast with warm oat milk.

Bai Shaohua was in no mood to eat for a moment, because Yan Xi, a woman, was so angry that she couldn't sleep, and now she lost her face.

Gu Jinluo ate slowly and took more than half an hour to finish breakfast, then continued to read the newspaper.

Bai Shaohua didn't know how to eat, and it was already [-]:[-], and his son always had a sense of time.

"I'm not going to change clothes to go to work yet."

"I don't go to work today." Gu Jinluo said unhurriedly.

"Why don't you go to work?" Bai Shaohua asked, today is Thursday.

"Mom, I'm already an adult, so I don't need to report everything to you. I have my own way of doing things and life choices. Regarding marriage, I need to find a wife, not you." Gu Jinluo said slowly .

Bai Shaohua was stunned, no matter how old her son is, she will always be a child in her eyes, even though he is actually good enough and resolute enough.

"Maybe you don't like Yan Xi, but she has more confidence than you." Even more confidence than him.

"Is she from a high family background?" Bai Shaohua's face darkened, and he threw away the necklace worth millions, showing some confidence.

"It has nothing to do with high or low birth, power and money, but a kind of confidence that is confident but unassuming. If you can't treat her gently, then please don't go to her." Gu Jinluo said solemnly.

Seeing her son's seriousness, Bai Shaohua was speechless for a moment, she couldn't understand why her son liked such a woman, she would have even accepted Song Yixue if she had known today.

"Mom, I'm going out later, so I'll go up first." Gu Jinluo got up and went upstairs.

Bai Shaohua was worried, and he already guessed that the reason why his son didn't go to work today was to find this woman.

If the son really married this woman, wouldn't she never see her son and daughter-in-law for the rest of her life?The son must never marry this woman!


(End of this chapter)

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