I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 448 Marriage Problems 08

Chapter 448 Marriage Problems 08
"What? You want to marry her?" Fang Qing'er suddenly felt that there was a thunderbolt from the blue sky. How could Qin Hao marry Ye Piaopiao, a woman with a dying flower? !

"We're getting married soon, so don't look for us anymore. You should call your father and bring you back." Qin Hao was terrified. Fang Jianzhang's daughter was mentally ill.

"I won't leave, you can't marry her, I really love you, I can marry you." Fang Qing'er said stubbornly.

The corners of Ye Piaopiao's lips twitched, she felt ashamed to compete with a little girl for a man.

"My girlfriend and I have already obtained the certificate. Bigamy is against the law. It's shameless for you to be a third party. Besides, my girlfriend is pregnant and the child is about to be born." Qin Hao said seriously.

"What? She's pregnant?" Fang Qing'er was shocked and unwilling. How could this woman be pregnant with Qin Hao's child?

"You asked your father to take you home, or should I call your father." Qin Hao took out his phone.

"No, don't call my father!" Fang Qing'er said anxiously, her father didn't know about this, and her father would definitely object to her puppy love.

"Okay, then go home quickly and don't come to us again, or I will tell your father." Qin Hao threatened, really afraid that Fang Jianzhang would think that he had abducted his mentally ill daughter.

"Qin Hao, do you really not love me?" Fang Qing'er looked at Qin Hao pitifully.

"I don't love! I only love my girlfriend!" Qin Hao said immediately, and he has no pedophilia!He likes mature and rational women, charming and sexy women, which is common to most men, and he is no exception.

Fang Qing'er's girl's heart was broken. It was the first time she fell in love with a man so much. Unexpectedly, he was already married and even had a child. The beautiful love she was looking forward to was instantly shattered.

Ye fluttered away.

Qin Hao hurriedly chased after him.

Ye Piaopiao took out the car key, opened the door and sat in the driver's seat.

Qin Hao immediately got into the passenger seat: "Don't drive yet."

Ye Piaopiao leaned against the back of the chair, crossing her arms around her chest.

"Piao Piao, don't you think that Fang Qing'er and I..." Qin Hao couldn't continue, did Piao Piao get angry with him because of that crazy girl?

"She said you broke her virginity."

"My God! My God! My God! She's crazy! How can you believe it? Do I look like such a beast?" Qin Hao wanted to die. Is that crazy girl an adult?He has no pedophilia! !

"how could I know."

"Oh my God! I like women with big breasts and big buttocks, normal thinking, charming and sexy! My mind and body are normal!" Qin Hao scratched his hair depressingly.

"One day I will become an old woman, no longer charming, no longer sexy."

"I will also become an old man one day, no longer handsome, no longer strong. However, there are many things that have been precipitated and deepened with time, and the more I can appreciate each other, it is human nature that is far better than the outside , emotion and rationality." Qin Hao said very seriously, he has a clear outlook on life, values ​​and worldview.

Ye Piaopiao started the car and drove away.

Regarding this misunderstanding, Qin Hao seemed very innocent, and suddenly remembered something: "Was Yan Xi there at the time? Did she hear it too? Oh my god! Please explain it to her clearly, otherwise she will always look at me with colored glasses! "

Qin Hao was depressed to death, the CEO should like Yan Xi very much, maybe in the future Yan Xi will become the wife of the CEO, and they will meet at any time, that would be so embarrassing.


(End of this chapter)

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