I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 450 Marriage Problems 10

Chapter 450 Marriage Problems 10
Lan Muge called several times, but Ah Luo didn't answer his call?Even if A Luo can't answer the call, he can call back, but A Luo has not.

Was it because of Yan Xi's resignation?
Was A Luo angry because he was with Yan Xi?Are you even going to break up with him?
He didn't want to fall out with A Luo because of Yan Xi.

If Yan Xi finally chooses A Luo, no matter how unwilling and sad he is, he will not break up with A Luo because of this.

However, he is very glad that Yan Xi did not choose A Luo, which means he still has a chance.

Lan Muge thought for a while, picked up the phone and dialed a number: "Yixue, where are you?"

"I'm on the set, what's wrong?" Song Yixue was wearing a beautiful wide-sleeved fairy dress at this time, and let the makeup artist do her makeup.

"Do you have time for a chat?"

"Tell me." Song Yixue listened patiently, and then signaled the make-up artist to avoid, no matter whether it was because of friendship or relationship, she had no reason to make Mu Ge wait, who could make the prince of the Lan family wait.

"Has A Luo been looking for you recently?"

"No." Song Yixue's expression was a little sad. Since she went abroad, A Luo seldom took the initiative to contact her. She returned to China in the past two years. With Mu Ge as the middleman, the relationship between her and A Luo has eased, but Arlo already regarded her as a friend who couldn't be more ordinary.

"Do you want to make a phone call to console him? Or go to see him, but don't let his mother know that his mother is here."

"Why?" Song Yixue didn't understand why, A Luo didn't need her to care at all, maybe it was just her own sentimentality.

"Would you believe me if I said he was broken in love?"

"It's unbelievable, but if it comes from your mouth, I believe it. Is it because of the photos?" Song Yixue was a little worried, because of this scandal, Yan Xi rejected A Luo, and was with Mu Ge?

"Do you think this little thing can shake A Luo? No, can this little thing shake Yan Xi?" Lan Muge asked back. He knew A Luo's temperament very well, and he also had some understanding of Yan Xi's character.

Hearing this, Song Yixue secretly breathed a sigh of relief, but at the same time she couldn't help but feel sad.She was afraid that A Luo would be unhappy because of the scandal, but she was even more afraid that A Luo would fall in love with Yan Xi and be with Yan Xi.

"So, are you with Miss Yan?" Song Yixue asked tentatively, after all Mu Ge seemed to like Yan Xi very much.

"I refuse to answer, and no one knows what will happen in the future. A Luo is not answering my call now, just call him when you have time, that's it." Lan Muge hung up.

Song Yixue's heart was heavy. She couldn't understand why A Luo liked Yan Xi. She didn't despise Yan Xi, but as far as she knew, Yan Xi came from an ordinary background. In terms of talent, it is not one-tenth of Han Mengli's.

She couldn't see anything unique about Yan Xi that could make both A Luo and Mu Ge like her, and even fell out because of her.

"Yixue, can I put on makeup now?" The makeup artist came over and asked, the director had already urged her outside, although she knew that Yixue was not a big name, but there were so many celebrities, those little stars were trying to squeeze her out intentionally or unintentionally Yixue.

Song Yixue responded, Mu Ge is right, no one knows what will happen in the future, she may have lost A Luo, but she still has a career to fight for, she is not someone who is dying for love.


(End of this chapter)

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