Chapter 455
"So, do you like Lan Muge?" Huacuo looked at her suddenly, Lan Muge was arrogant and coquettish, why would she date Lan Muge?I met Yun Su at the Nanshan Racecourse before.

"You seem to be very concerned about my private affairs." Yan Xi didn't answer, she liked Lan Muge a little bit, so what.

"I consider you a very good friend, I just want to give you some advice." Hua Cuo's eyes were very serious, because he was really about to leave.

"You can tell me what suggestion you have, but I don't guarantee that I will take it." Yan Xi thought it would be okay to listen.

"Neither Gu Jinluo nor Lan Muge is suitable for you, especially Lan Muge. I think he has a very bad character. He is arrogant, arrogant, and has a very bad style of behavior! As for Gu Jinluo, he is proud of his talents and pampered, and he Mother hates you." Hua Cuo said very seriously.

Yan Xi laughed, it turned out that Hua Cuo hated Gu Jinluo and Lan Muge so much.

"What are you laughing at? I'm telling you very seriously." Hua Cuo was a little impatient, he was definitely not motivated by jealousy, he really thought that it would be difficult for Gu Jinluo and Lan Muge to bring her happiness.

"I'm also listening very carefully." Yan Xi nodded.

"So, what do you think?" After Hua wrongly asked, she felt a little regretful, what right did he have to prevent her from being with someone, and no one could predict what would happen in the future.

"I don't have any ideas." Yan Xi's words were true. What thoughts could she have about Gu Jinluo and Lan Muge?
"So, do you like Yin Zimo?" Huacuo looked at her, she had said that Yin Zimo was very good before, but she refused to answer whether she liked Yin Zimo or not.

"Are you helping me choose a boyfriend?" Yan Xi raised his eyebrows.

"No, I'm helping you drive away the crazy bees and butterflies. Gu Jinluo and Lan Muge are not suitable for you. But Yin Zimo is... not bad." Hua Cuo's eyes were very complicated, and she said the last word with great reluctance. In a word.

"Oh." Yan Xi responded, as if he had heard it.

Hua Cuo was depressed, watching the dangling pictures on the TV, in fact, he was not in the mood to watch TV.

The TV series is broadcast from 08:30 to 09:30, and it is over today.

Yan Xi turned off the TV, got up and left, ready to take a shower, but suddenly thought of something, so he looked at Hua Cuo.

"Are you leaving?" Yan Xi asked, this morning he said he would go back after watching TV.

"Well, I'm leaving." Hua Cuo said in a heavy tone, looking at her reluctantly.

"Goodbye." Yan Xi said.

Hua Cuo's face was full of depression, and the heavy parting atmosphere disappeared because of her understatement of goodbye.

Hua Cuo walked to the door silently, changed his shoes, and then picked up the car keys and wallet from the shoe cabinet.

Yan Xi waited for a while and saw that he moved slowly.

Hua Cuo held the car keys and stared at her with piercing eyes.

"Yan Xi, is there anything you want to tell me?"

"Where's your luggage?" Yan Xi saw that his hands were empty.

Hua Cuo's face turned dark, and all her emotions shattered into powder in an instant.

"I'll pick up my luggage another day. Is there anything else you want to tell me?"

"It's dark, drive carefully and be safe." Yan Xi said, it was past nine o'clock in the evening.

Hua Cuo's heart was bleeding all the time, and finally took a deep breath.

"Yan Xi, I don't know if you are too attractive. From the first time I saw you, I thought you were beautiful." Hua Cuo stared at her, wondering if it was because she was too attractive or because he missed her for too long. Everyone thinks she is beautiful.

"Thank you." Yan Xi had a weird expression on his face, but she reserved his words.

"Do you still remember what it was like to see me for the first time?" Hua Cuo looked with deep anticipation.

"I don't feel anything." Yan Xi recalled that the first time she saw Hua Cuo, when she went to work that day, there was another person in the office next to her, Hua Cuo, and then they introduced each other very plainly.

The blood in Hua Cuo's heart has been drained, why is she so honest?Can't you just lie to him?

"Are you leaving?" Yan Xi saw that he was still moving, and she was going to take a bath.

"Goodbye, good night, you also say good night to me." Hua Cuo moved her footsteps and took a small step forward, but not in the direction of the door.

"Good night." Yan Xi said.

"Yan Xi, can you, can you give me a goodnight kiss?" Hua Cuo's eyes flickered for a moment.

"I haven't brushed my teeth since I finished dinner." Yan Xi's expression was very strange, and she would suspect that the wrong flower had some kind of hint.

"I don't mind." Hua Cuo's voice was low and weak.

"I mind." Yan Xi said.

Hua Cuo had nothing to say, took a deep look at her, then turned around resolutely, opened the door and left.

Hearing the sound of the door closing, Yan Xi went back to his room to get his clothes and take a shower.


(End of this chapter)

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