I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 478 The Love Heats Up 10

Chapter 478 The Love Heats Up 10
On Monday, the company headquarters of Shengshi Group returned from the weekend vacation, and the employees started a busy day.

Today, a beautiful woman came to the public relations department, Yuan Ying.

Yuan Ying is 25 years old, with a master's degree and four years of work experience. She is young and full of energy.

She originally applied for the position of secretary to the president and stood out among the other five applicants, but she was eliminated in the end.

Yuan Ying has always been proud and confident, so she just asked with a smile: "I got the highest score in the assessment, but you want to eliminate me. Could it be that Shengshi Group's career assessment is to admit the applicant with the lowest score?"

At that time, Qin Hao just smiled and said: "Miss Yuan misunderstood, because there is a position that needs you more and has a higher salary, the position of deputy manager of the public relations department."

Public Relations Department, referred to as the Public Relations Department.

The PR department of Shengshi Group is very formal, and there is absolutely no dirty power `sex` transaction.Mainly responsible for the public relations reception work of the company's large-scale activities, increasing contact with other companies, promoting exchanges between the company and the outside world in terms of academic, cultural, theoretical, and practical aspects, and closely contacting other companies, as well as related associations, societies, etc. for reference and introduction Its successful management experience and excellent activities provide information support for other functional departments.

"I'm not here to apply for the position of deputy manager of the public relations department." Yuan Ying frowned. She applied for the position of secretary to the president because of Mr. Gu, and she didn't care about the monthly salary.

"Then I'm sorry." Qin Hao still smiled, implying that you don't have to do it.

"I'm here to apply for the position of secretary to the president. I think the president needs to review it personally. After all, I'm not applying for the position of assistant Qin's secretary." Yuan Ying is not a vegetarian either.

"The president will leave it to me to review." Qin Hao said in twos and twos.

Yuan Ying was speechless for a moment, did Mr. Gu value Qin Hao so much?

But of course she was not reconciled to leaving at this point, and in the end she could only accept it temporarily.

"Miss Yuan, this is your job card." Qin Hao handed over the job card of the deputy manager of the public relations department.

"Thank you." Yuan Ying took the job card with a sullen face. Although she was not very satisfied with the position, she won the opportunity herself.

With Qin Hao gone, it is undeniable that Yuan Ying's work ability and adaptability are very strong, but Yuan Ying's purpose is too strong.

Perhaps it can only be blamed for the attractiveness of the CEO. After all, the position of the wife of the CEO of Shengshi Group, Mrs. Gu Jiashao, is a position that countless women covet and flock to.


Qin Hao returned to the office and dealt with various affairs non-stop.

At [-]:[-] in the afternoon, I received an invitation from Han Dongcheng, chairman of the Han Enterprise, and Han Dongcheng held a dance in the banquet hall of the Lanhai Building.

Qin Hao thought for a minute. Recently, the president rejected all business banquets.

But this time it was Han Dongcheng who sent the invitation himself.

As far as he knows, the Gu family and the Han family are close family friends, will the CEO push them away?
In fact, he had always guessed that Han Dongcheng intended to marry Han Mengli to the president, and Han Mengli seemed to be interested in the president, but the president was indifferent.

But having said that, Han Qianjin and the CEO are a very good match, and they have almost the same class concept. Han Qianjin has a very high chance of becoming the CEO's wife, at least definitely higher than Yan Xi and Song Yixue.

Even if the president is indifferent to Han Mengli now, there is no guarantee that he will like Han Mengli in the future, after all Han Mengli is almost impeccable.

(End of this chapter)

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