I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 481 The Love Heats Up 13

Chapter 481 The Love Heats Up 13
Hiding arms in China is a felony, but Ante Dick's goal is not to expose the Duan family's possession of arms.

"On the top floor of Huayue International, there is a private computer in Duan Xunge's office, which contains a lot of business secrets about the Duan family, including arms information. Antidick's request is to quietly steal arms information." Zhong Manyao looked at He glanced at Feng Yi.

Feng Yi took out a few architectural drawings and unfolded them on the dilapidated desk. These are the architectural drawings of Huayue International.

Feng Yi pointed to the building map, and his voice was as cold as his own: "There is only one elevator that goes directly to the top floor of the 39th floor. Even entering this elevator requires a magnetic card, and ordinary people cannot enter. The top floor is mainly divided into two. The east side is Duan Xunge's office, and the west side is Lan Muge's private space."

"You need a password and iris recognition to enter Duan Xunge's office. In addition to Duan Xunge himself, there is also Duan Xunge's personal butler who can enter the office. Solution [-] is to break through Huayue International's security system." Zhong Manyao read the words Xi glance.

"Huayue International's security system adopts the most advanced technology in the world. It is almost impossible to break through, not to mention that it takes time. Even if you break through the security system and successfully enter Duan Xunge's office, I believe that within 10 minutes, the system will immediately enter the restart mode. , and then discovered that there was an intruder, and it would take time to hack into Duan Xunge's personal computer," Yan Xi said.

"Plan [-], start with Duan Xunge's personal butler, Yan Xi pretends to be a staff member, Mo Yan hypnotizes the butler, and asks the butler to take Yan Xi to Duan Xunge's office." Zhong Manyao looked at Mo Yan.

"If this person has strong willpower, it is difficult to hypnotize him deeply. Even if he is deeply hypnotized, he will wake up if there is interference from foreign objects, or if he is hypnotized for too long." Mo Yan said that it is difficult to do.

Zhong Manyao's face darkened: "I asked you to find a solution, not to deny my plan!"

Yan Xi and Mo Yan were silent, they were just doing things with money, but the difficulty of these two plans was too high.

Feng Yi pointed to the architectural drawing and said: "The roof is a sky garden, and there is a door in the garden leading to Duan Xunge's office. Since you can't enter from the inside, you can try to enter from the outside. The sky garden is covered with infrared rays, But with agility, avoiding infrared is not impossible."

Mo Yan whispered: "This is the 39th floor, it is impossible to climb up to the 39th floor, are there other buildings of the same height or higher around?"

Unfortunately, everyone knows that Huayue International is the tallest building nearby.

Zhong Manyao gave Mo Yan a cold look: "Of course you can't."

Mo Yan stopped talking, he really couldn't climb up.

"I can climb to the sky garden from the window on the 37th floor, but I don't know computer technology." Feng Yi cast his eyes on Yan Xi, after all, this woman should be a hacker.

Zhong Manyao glanced at Yan Xi: "Number 1, talk."

For the title of No. 1, Yan Xi was not happy when he heard it: "I'm afraid of heights."

Without any protective measures, it's not that she can't do it, but the risk factor is too high. This is the 39th floor.

Zhong Manyao immediately turned cold, she didn't believe that Yan Xi was afraid of heights.

"However, I have other ways." Yan Xi looked at the architectural drawing.

"Say!" Zhong Manyao's face was gloomy, did Yan Xi deliberately play tricks on her?
(End of this chapter)

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