I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 497 Relationship Transformation 09

Chapter 497 Relationship Transformation 09
"I was wrong. I was wrong just now. The big deal is that the photos on my phone are at your disposal." Lan Muge regretted it too much. This damned snake, isn't it going to hibernate at this time?

"I'll deal with you first, because I don't know if I can deal with your mobile phone." Yan Xi moved slowly, taking pictures as close as possible.

"Yanxi, don't come here, be careful that it will bite you. If it jumps up, I will smash it to death with my mobile phone, or pinch its neck with my hand. What if it still bites me and I get poisoned? "His famous name was ruined on this snake.

"Don't act rashly, you will scare it. It's a bit far from the hospital, and it's troublesome to call someone. Even if there is serum in Nanshan's medical room, it may not be able to give you an injection in time." Yan Xi has a bit of a bad taste.

"Are you threatening me? I heard that snakes with bright colors and triangular heads are usually very poisonous. This snake is gray and has a round head. Even if it is poisonous, it should not be very poisonous." Lan Muge hugged With a fluke mentality.

"Then try it." Yan Xi didn't care, since she wasn't the one who was bitten anyway.

"Don't scare me." Of course, Lan Muge didn't dare to try, who knows if this snake is poisonous, far water can't save near fire.

"You are very photogenic, you look good from every angle." Yan Xi took a dozen photos.

"Yanxi, I really got it wrong. Don't take pictures. After you go back, I will let you take pictures casually. Even if you want to take pictures of my naked body, I will take off my clothes." Lan Muge seemed to be joking, but actually seriously.

The corner of Yan Xi's lips twitched, she was not interested in taking his nude photos.

"Why does it keep moving? When will it leave? You call someone to get it away." Lan Muge has been vigilant, the enemy will not move, and I will not move.

"Don't move, I'll find a long branch to push it away." Yan Xi looked at the time and saw that it was past four in the afternoon, so he let him go for the time being.

"Is this method feasible? What if you frighten it and it pounces on you? Or what if you accidentally pick it up on me?" Lan Muge was a little frightened. This is not golf, this is a fast-moving snake.

"Then you can have a close contact with it." Yan Xi broke a long branch.

Lan Muge's face is full of black lines, why is she still so calm and composed?
Yan Xi took the branch and quietly moved to the back of the snake, slowly stretched the branch over to the middle of the snake's body, and then violently picked it up.

The movement was done in one go, the snake flew out instantly, fell into the creek with a plop, and soon emerged from the water, followed the current, swung its long body and swam away.

Lan Muge was a little dumbfounded, it was solved so easily?
Yan Xi threw the branch and patted the bark on his hands.

"Yan Xi, you're amazing!" Lan Muge immediately rushed up and hugged her.

"Let go." Yan Xi remained unmoved.

"Don't be angry, I won't dare to do it next time, I really know my mistake." Lan Muge still hugged her, rubbing against her like a shameless act.

"Okay, let go, I'm not angry." Yan Xi pushed him.

It was only then that Lan Muge let her go. In fact, she looked very cute when she was angry.

Yan Xi looked at the phone in his hand: "Just now you said that the photos in your phone are at my disposal."

Lan Muge blinked his eyes, and he was just talking: "But you also took a picture of me, and I said let you do what you want, provided that you can't take the opportunity to take pictures of me at that time."

(End of this chapter)

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