I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 499 The Identity Becomes a Mystery 01

Chapter 499 The Identity Becomes a Mystery 01
"Why aren't you afraid? The snake just now could bite people at any time." Lan Muge remembered that she was very calm just now, and she was still in the mood to take pictures. Most people should hate or be afraid of snakes, especially women.

"It's just an ordinary water snake. This kind of snake is not poisonous. It is an amphibious animal and can be eaten. If you are hungry in the wild, you can catch it and roast it. I heard it tastes good." Although Yan Xi has never eaten it.

"You already knew it wasn't poisonous! You were just threatening me!" Only then did Lan Muge realize that she had been cheated. No wonder she wasn't worried at all just now.

After five o'clock in the afternoon, sunset and dusk.

The slanted afterglow passed through the gloomy maple forest, forming a golden light, which stretched the shadows of the two very long.

Lan Muge explored the way with a branch in one hand, and held her hand in the other.

"Yan Xi, what ideal do you have?"

"Why did you suddenly ask such a question?" Yan Xi remembered that Hua Cuo had asked her such a question before.

"It's not sudden at all. I never knew what ideal you have." Lan Muge held her hand tightly. She used to think that she was ordinary and simple, but after getting to know her deeply, she realized that she was extraordinary and deep, and never revealed anything to him. .

"I don't know either." Yan Xi looked at the deep maple forest ahead, his voice dissipated in the boundless maple forest.

"How could you not know? Have you never thought about it?" Lan Muge looked at her incomprehensibly.

"Currently, I don't have any great ideals, nor can I imagine them." Yan Xi only had calmness and calmness in his eyes.

"Even if you don't have ideals, you should have wishes, or expectations, or an attitude towards life." Lan Muge suddenly felt that he couldn't understand her. Although she had a cold personality, he always felt that she was passionate and had an unshakable belief.

"This question is worth pondering." Yan Xi avoided answering, she didn't want to discuss this question with him because it was unnecessary.

"Yanxi, have you ever imagined our future?" Lan Muge looked at her seriously, her attitude towards life was definitely not negative, her heart must be very full, but he couldn't peek into her heart.

Hearing this, Yan Xi felt puzzled, what did he mean by this?Did he make a mistake, or did she get it wrong?He has a future, she has a future, but they have no future.

"No one can predict the future." That's all Yan Xi could say.

"But we can create the future, we just can't predict the result. Maybe my life has not encountered heavy setbacks so far. I am very proud and confident. I believe that as long as I am willing to persist and work hard, I can almost predict the result." Lan Muge is proud but not conceited. His parents have given him unique advantages, and he never slackens in life.

Yan Xi is just silent. Maybe she has a similar attitude towards life as him, but the trajectory of life is completely different. His life is unrestrained because of its frankness, bright because of twists and turns, and radiant because of persistence and hard work. It can be seen far and far.

Lan Muge has been waiting for her to speak, but she has been silent all the time. Is she really unable to imagine, or does she not want to tell him?

After returning to the iron gate, Lan Muge threw the branch.

Seeing this, the gatekeeper joked with a smile: "Young Master Lan, you haven't met a snake, have you?"

Lan Muge glanced at him coldly: "Did you release the snake?"

The staff stopped laughing for a moment. Could it be that Lan Shao really encountered a snake?That piece of maple forest is relatively damp, no sulfur has been sprinkled, there are indeed many snakes, but most of them are non-poisonous water snakes, and the most poisonous snakes can't kill people.


(End of this chapter)

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