I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 505 The Identity Becomes a Mystery 07

Chapter 505 The Identity Becomes a Mystery 07
"Have you met Yan Xi recently?" Hua Cuo asked casually.

"No, what's the matter?" Yin Zimo raised his spirits instantly, not because he didn't want to see her, but because he couldn't see her.

"I haven't seen her for a long time either. She seems to have quit her job for a long time. I don't know what she's been up to lately." Hua Wrong's fingers turned the keychain, making the sound of keys colliding.

Yin Zimo's expression was gloomy. He hadn't heard from her for a long time, and he didn't even know that she had resigned. He was afraid that one day she would leave again, and he wouldn't know either.

"By the way, do you have any photos of Yan Xi before?" Hua Cuo asked.

"What's the matter?" Yin Zimo asked suspiciously, why did Hua Cuo ask about Yan Xi's previous photos.

"It's Yan Xi's birthday next month. I want to give her a photo album. Don't tell her. I want to give her a surprise." Hua Cuo smiled.

"I have a picture of her, but I can't give it to you." Yin Zimo sternly refused, even if it included group photos, he only had a few pictures of her, and he couldn't give any of them to others.

"You misunderstood, I don't want to take the photos, I just want to borrow them to scan and copy, and I will return them to you later." Hua Cuo said.

"Well, I still can't lend it to you. These photos are very important to me and unique. I don't want to have a copy of them. I hope you can understand." Yin Zimo explained sincerely. Maybe he still has a selfish intention. Items of precious memories, he doesn't want to give them up.

"Understood, it's okay, I can give her other things. If she didn't look good in the previous shooting, then I send her the photo, maybe she will be angry." Hua Cuo said jokingly.

Yin Zimo didn't say a word, she looked very good in the photo.

"What did Yan Xi look like before?" Hua Cuo asked curiously.

"It's hard for me to generalize and describe." Yin Zimo couldn't think of how to describe it for a while. If he had to describe it, it would be beautiful and an indescribable feeling.

"When you were in middle school, there should be seven or eight years from now, and it was said that the female college had changed. Does she look the same as now?" Hua Cuo asked again.

"To be honest, it doesn't look like much, but it's still very good-looking. She used to have long hair, not white skin, very vigorous, radiant, with a wanton smile, and occasionally a little arrogant. Maybe now she has grown up, become mature, elegant, Quiet." Yin Zimo felt a bit lost in his heart, and he was no longer young and ignorant, no longer fearless, but became cautious in his words and deeds, and learned to think rationally.

"Isn't that like a different person?" Hua Cuo's mood sank, and he couldn't imagine her wanton and arrogant smile.

"No matter how it changes, she is still her." Yin Zimo said, but these are not important, at least she is back.

If he didn't meet her again, he didn't know what he would do in the future, wait endlessly, or until he decided to give up one day, or gradually forget her with the years?

Fortunately, she is back. If we can regain the years with her, it is certainly my wish.If she already loves someone else, even if he can't wish him sincerely, it can be regarded as a terminator for him.

After saying goodbye to Huacuo, Yin Zimo returned home and saw Yin Ziheng sitting on the sofa eating ice cream.

"Mom, brother is back, can I eat?" Yin Ziheng yelled into the kitchen, almost starving to death.

(End of this chapter)

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