I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 508 The Identity Becomes a Mystery 10

Chapter 508 The Identity Becomes a Mystery 10
"At present, there seems to be no research to prove that there is a relationship." Yan Xi never believed in all kinds of rumors, she only believed in scientific proof.

"Indeed, for example, if a person with blood type O with high blood lipids eats more meat, he will commit suicide slowly. It is better to establish a healthy lifestyle than to formulate a diet according to blood type. There is also a relationship between blood type and whether or not it provokes mosquitoes. I heard that type O People with blood are more likely to provoke mosquitoes, what do you think?" Hua Cuo asked again.

"From domestic comparison alone, there are more than 40% of people with type O blood in China, and only 7% of people with type AB blood. From this perspective, mosquitoes do not like people with type O blood, but more people with type O blood , there are even fewer people with other blood types. For the time being, there seems to be no research showing that mosquitoes can distinguish blood types." Yan Xi's knowledge ends here, and she doesn't understand the academic issue of blood types.

"I think so too. In fact, mosquitoes mainly rely on carbon dioxide, heat, volatile chemical substances and other factors to find food. The human body is constantly emitting heat and chemical substances. There are also blood type and personality, and even constellation and personality. Relationship, what do you think?" Hua looked at her wrongly.

"Why discuss such an issue?" Yan Xi found it strange, it was a very boring and uninteresting topic.

"Just talk about it, tell me your opinion." Hua Cuo continued to discuss with her.

"There are more than 70 billion people in the world. There are only four ABO blood types, and some rare blood types. Can the personalities of 70 billion people be simply divided into four types? As for the relationship between constellations and personalities, it is even more ridiculous. What is the relationship between birth months and personalities? What is the relationship between personality and the combination of stars in the universe?" What is the relationship between the combination of stars for tens of thousands of years and hundreds of millions of years, and human personality?
"Yan Xi, do you know? You are a very unromantic person." Hua Cuo has always felt this way, and her rationality and seriousness make people speechless.

Yan Xi's face darkened. Did he say so much just to come to this conclusion?

"In fact, it doesn't matter, but people are willing to believe. For example, the multiple choice questions of constellations and personality, in fact, no matter which option is basically suitable for everyone, because everyone's personality is not single and unchanged. Why are they willing to believe ?Because of romance, sensuality, resonating, oh, it’s really similar to my personality, and it’s as pleasant as finding a match. For example, Taurus and Aries are very compatible. When a Taurus meets an Aries, when When he finds out that the other person is an Aries, he will add points to his first impression. In fact, whether it is compatible or not has nothing to do with the constellation, but he is willing to believe that it does." Hua Cuo said.

"Different people have different opinions." Yan Xi didn't take it seriously, knowing that it didn't matter, why did he still believe it?
"What's your blood type?" Hua Cuo asked casually.

"AB." Yan Xi said.

"On the Internet, the personality of people with AB blood type has the advantages of aggressiveness, restraint and rationality, and the disadvantages are passivity, criticism and conceit, as well as introverted and contradictory personality characteristics. It seems that except for rationality, everything else is not quite like you. It matches." Hua mistakenly looked at the contents of the newspaper.

Yan Xi didn't speak, and his personality was not static, it might change with time.

The mobile phone on the table suddenly rang.

Hua took a wrong look, the phone was placed on the dining table casually, and he could see the caller ID at a glance, Lan Muge.

(End of this chapter)

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