I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 510 Identity Exposure 02

Chapter 510 Identity Exposure 02
On Wednesday night, Lan Muge watched TV with his mother again, so he was inevitably a little disappointed that he didn't have an appointment with Yan Xi today.

The news broadcast is playing on the TV.

"Does your sister have a boyfriend?" Duan Yingfei asked suddenly.

"How do I know, you ask her yourself." Lan Muge was sending a message on her mobile phone.

"You think I haven't asked, but she said no, how do you know whether she is telling the truth or not." Duan Yingfei was a little worried. This daughter was not with her since she was a child. Now that she has grown up, she doesn't know that she is doing it all day long. What, don't tell her anything.

"She doesn't need to lie to you." Lan Muge said, his sister did things quietly, but there was no need to hide this matter.

"It doesn't matter if you lie to me. Yesterday, your dad and I went to Ji's house. Your dad met the eldest son of Ji's family and planned to introduce him to your sister."

"Don't do it, if my sister cripples or ruins her, don't blame me for not reminding me." Lan Muge stated in advance that his sister was gentle when she was gentle, and bloody when she was bloody.

"I haven't finished yet. When the eldest son of the Ji family heard that it was your sister's name, his expression changed on the spot, and he immediately refused." Duan Yingfei was still a little angry. Her daughter was smart and beautiful, and she still didn't like her. boy!

"Congratulations to him for saving his life." Lan Muge reckoned that the son of the Ji family must have suffered at the hands of his sister.

"What kind of man does your sister like?" Duan Yingfei couldn't think of it after much deliberation. In fact, her daughter's personality is not very good, not all men can bear it.

"How do I know, you ask her yourself." Lan Muge lowered his head and edited the information.

"I used to think that Jin Luo was pretty good, at least worthy of your sister, but his mother is really annoying." Duan Yingfei frowned, she knew that Bai Shaohua not only looked down on her, but also looked down on her daughter and son.

"Have you thought about this too? How could A Luo like sister, and it's impossible for sister to like A Luo." Although A Luo is very gentle on the surface, he is actually very domineering in his heart, and it is impossible to succumb to his sister's power. Moreover, Arlo and his sister's personalities are completely incompatible.Also, his sister will never give Bai Shaohua face. If A Luo is with his sister, it will be a terrible disaster.

"That's right, what are you doing?" Duan Yingfei probed over to see that his son had been playing with his mobile phone.

"Don't peek at me!" Lan Muge immediately took away the phone and kept peeking at him.

"Are you really with Yan Xi?" Duan Yingfei saw the word goddess. After so long, is this goddess still Yan Xi?

"Didn't you always believe that I was telling the truth?!" Lan Muge was so angry, did his mother just not believe her son's charm?

"I believe it, of course what you said is the truth, because you think it is true, it's all just your own imagination." Duan Yingfei didn't want to hit him, after all, who would believe that a woman would let Jin Luo go, chose his son.

"It's definitely not my unrequited love! We are attracted to each other, and she said she likes me!" Lan Muge said with certainty, outsiders would not understand.

"Really?" Duan Yingfei was still skeptical. Yanxi said before that she would immigrate, so would she give up for her son?
"Of course!" Lan Muge was full of pride, but there was no recording.

Duan Yingfei took two glances at her son. For those who fall in love, their IQ and EQ will drop to zero.

"When will there be a meteor shower?" Lan Muge thought for a moment, he was looking forward to a meteor shower.

"There is no meteor shower, there is thunderstorm!" Duan Yingfei looked contemptuous, how could her son think of such a thunderous plot of meteor shower!

Lan Muge's face darkened, he will die if his mother doesn't run on him?
At this time, the news network was broadcasting a news about the eve of Halloween on October 10 this weekend. All shopping malls will hold Halloween activities, which will cause a shopping spree.

Lan Muge suddenly thought of something, Halloween is a good time to spend the night with her.

At nine o'clock, the news broadcast had finished.

Lan Muge went back to the room after saying goodnight to his mother.

(End of this chapter)

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