I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 513 Identity Exposure 05

Chapter 513 Identity Exposure 05
"It's nothing." Yan Xi picked up the wine glass and took a sip. Although it was acceptable, it was not to her taste.

"How is it? Is it hard to drink?" Lan Muge didn't like the smell of Bloody Mary either, just to cater to tonight's atmosphere.

"It's not bad, it's very exciting." Yan Xi put down his wine glass, swirling various flavors on his tongue.

"I think so too. I ordered a Bloody Mary just now, and now you order two glasses. I will accept whatever you order." Lan Muge handed over the decision to her.

"Then two glasses of Mojito, with grapefruit." Yan Xi ordered two glasses. Mojito is more popular and the taste is easier to accept.

"I like Mojito too! I also found that you really like grapefruit!" Lan Muge said in surprise. She chose grapefruit flavor when she chose juice many times.

"Probably." Yan Xi usually doesn't deliberately choose grapefruit, sometimes the habit is terrible, so he only chooses grapefruit occasionally.

After a while, the bartender served two glasses of Mojito. The clear liquid was filled with ice cubes, fresh mint leaves, and orange-red grapefruit pulp. The color was very fresh and beautiful.

The taste is also very fresh, with a little sweetness and greenness.

"It's the first time I tried Mojito with grapefruit. The taste is more unique after adding grapefruit." Lan Muge enjoys this taste very much, no, it should be this feeling.

Yan Xi's eyes darkened, watching him drink.

The phone in his pocket vibrated, and a text message sounded. Yan Xi took out the phone and looked, it was a message from Hua wrong: Happy Halloween, have you slept yet?
Yan Xi edited a message and sent it: Not yet, Happy Halloween.

Soon, I received Hua Cuo's reply: Haven't slept so late?What are you doing?
Yan Xi pondered for a moment, then replied: I'm outside, celebrating Halloween.

Hua wrong reply: where?Who are you celebrating with?
Yan Xi snapped her fingers, maybe Huacuo knew where she was, but she still replied: In Huayue International, with Lan Muge.

Hua wrong reply: Then you have fun, good night.

Yan Xi also replied good night and put away the phone.

Lan Muge noticed that she was sending messages, even though she was only sending messages casually, he did not peek, he respected her privacy and her personal space.

"Is there something wrong? Is someone looking for you?" Lan Muge asked casually, who is looking for her so late?If she didn't want to tell him, he wouldn't ask.

"It's nothing, Hua Mi told me Happy Halloween."

"Oh." Lan Muge immediately despised her own overthinking. Although he was very upset about making mistakes, she told him so casually and frankly that he didn't even have a chance to be jealous.

At this time, it was about twelve o'clock, and all the lights suddenly gathered on the stage.

The host stood in the center of the stage, holding a microphone and shouting: "It's going to be twelve o'clock in the morning! Let's welcome Halloween together!"

Immediately after a bang, all the balloons on the ceiling exploded at the same time, and countless colored ribbons scattered down.

Cheers broke out in the audience instantly, and many couples hugged and kissed warmly.

Lan Muge hugged her suddenly, kissed her quickly, and looked at her with a smile on his face: "Yanxi, Happy Halloween."

Yan Xi was wearing a mask and couldn't see her expression, so he just smiled slightly: "Mu Ge, Happy Halloween."

The ribbon fell on her body, and Lan Muge reached out to remove the ribbon for her. Compared with tonight's carnival, and her personality likes to be quiet, and she can't dance, so he wants to be alone with her.

(End of this chapter)

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