I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 522 Identity Exposure 14

Chapter 522 Identity Exposure 14
Duan Xunge re-examined Yan Xi. She was very dissatisfied with Yan Xi's ability, but she was very curious about Yan Xi's identity. Could it be that he was from the military?

A person has always been fearless if his belief is higher than his ability.

"Have you arranged for someone to contact Ante Dick?" Yan Xi looked at Duan Xunge, she believed that Duan Xunge would not be inactive.

Of course, it is impossible for Duan Xunge to tell Yan Xi that she has indeed planted dark men in Ant Dick, and there must be someone in Ant Dick who got involved in the Duan family's property, Yan Xi is the best example.

After the discussion was temporarily over, Yan Xi walked out of the office and saw Lan Muge standing outside the door.

He kept looking at her with such cold eyes.

"I'll take you back." Lan Muge turned and left.

Yan Xi didn't refuse, and went with him to the underground parking lot.

In the evening, the parking lot was dark and there were no people there.

"Can we talk about it?" Yan Xi felt that it was necessary, and now her relationship with him was very awkward.

"There's nothing to talk about. Get in the car." Lan Muge got into the driver's seat and closed the car door with a bang.

Yan Xi sat in the back seat.

Lan Muge speeded back to Tianhe Xiaoyuan again.

Yan Xi got out of the car without even saying thank you. No matter how much she said, it would be nonsense, and it would only make him more angry.

Lan Muge struggled for a moment, then opened the car door and got out of the car, striding forward to stop her.

Yan Xi stopped and waited for him to speak.

"Do you have anything to tell me?" Lan Muge's attitude was very cold, and he kept looking at her coldly.

"I'm sorry." Yan Xi's tone was serious. He didn't need to forgive her, but she still needed to apologize.

Lan Muge pursed her lips, waiting for her next words, but waited for a second, two seconds, three seconds, it was still a minute, and she didn't even wait for her to speak.

"What else?" Lan Muge couldn't bear the silence, and spoke first.

"It's gone." Apart from apologizing, Yan Xi had nothing to say.

"..." Lan Muge's face turned cold again. In the parking lot just now, she said she wanted to talk. Was this talk just to say sorry?
Yan Xi's heart was very heavy, she seemed to have made him angry again.

Lan Muge suddenly turned around and left, got into the car, slammed the door again, and the car sped away with a bang.


Wednesday afternoon.

Yan Xi received a call from Mo Yan, this kid was looking for her so quickly.

"Are you going to work? Are you free now?" Mo Yan's voice was soft, and these people usually have fixed occupations to hide their identities.

"Is there a problem?"

"I'm a vagrant. It's hard to find a regular job in my profession. I have nothing to do except for missions. I don't have any friends, so I'm usually a little bored. Can I invite you to dinner tonight?" Mo Yan said in a tone Feeling a little pitiful and lonely.

"What time is it?"

"What time is fine, where do you want to go to eat?" Mo Yan looked very happy for a moment, finally a woman was willing to have dinner with him.

"You decide."

"Well, where do you live, or I'll pick you up." Although he doesn't have a car, it's not difficult to rent one.

"No, tell me after you decide."

"Well, I'll tell you later." He was seriously considering where to have dinner.

"Well, goodbye." Yan Xi hung up.

Mo Yan usually doesn't go to high-end restaurants on purpose, most of them order takeaway, or just eat out casually.

So finding a suitable restaurant is a bit difficult these days.

Finally, I searched online and found a simple and delicious restaurant.

(End of this chapter)

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