I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 541 Confidential Leakage 13

Chapter 541 Confidential Leakage 13
It was six o'clock in the evening.

After Zhong Manyao got a mobile phone, she thought she could finally decide what to eat independently.

"I treat you to dinner, lobster pizza, smoked salmon, black pepper beef tenderloin spaghetti, seafood soup, mango vanilla ice cream." Zhong Manyao downloaded a food ordering app and found a high-end restaurant that can order food online.

"Do you have the money to pay?" Yan Xi glanced at Zhong Manyao, and knew that the price was not cheap just by hearing the name of the dish.

"Lend me the money first, and I will return it to you when the time comes." Zhong Manyao had already made her choice, and only had to place an order to pay.

"You don't have to treat me to eat." It's not that Yan Xi can't afford it, but that she doesn't want to lend money to Zhong Manyao anymore, and she very much doubts whether Zhong Manyao will pay back the money.

"Are you worried that I don't have the money to pay you back? Don't worry, the salary of MI6 agents is very high, which is completely different from those of you Interpol." Zhong Manyao said seriously. In fact, she didn't know how much her salary was. , generally being able to become an agent is mostly to realize the value of life, or the blood is flowing in the body, money is second.

"I'm not a detective." She was an employee at best, just a job.

"Anyway, I don't care much about money. My savings are too much to spend, and I will pay you double the money when the time comes." Zhong Manyao said generously.

"You don't have to give me back the double, I'll treat you to dinner." Yan Xi took out his phone and ordered two takeaways.

"Do I look like someone without trust?" Zhong Manyao's face darkened, Yan Xi clearly did not believe her.

Yan Xi thought to himself, it's not like, it is.

After dinner, Zhong Manyao had nothing to do, now it is inconvenient for her to go out, she is very bored.

I saw Yan Xi sitting on the sofa watching the news broadcast.

"Don't you have a date?" Zhong Manyao didn't find TV interesting at all, she preferred going out for activities, especially at night.

"No." Yan Xi's answer was concise enough.

"Did Lan Muge not ask you out?" Zhong Manyao asked, Lan Muge was quite annoying.

"We haven't been together for a long time." Yan Xi said seriously, probably never been together.

"Why?" Zhong Manyao asked again, Lan Muge seemed to like Yan Xi very much before, but Yan Xi didn't necessarily like Lan Muge too, after all, Yan Xi approached Lan Muge with intention.

"He already knew that I was an employee of Antetic."

"Hehe, he must have thought you lied to him, and then dumped you." Zhong Manyao said something sarcastic, Lan Muge is like this, I really can't stand him, if there are no lies in this world, how terrible it would be.The world is peaceful because it is full of lies.

Yan Xi's face darkened, she was indeed at fault for this matter, but Zhong Manyao was the trigger!On the night of Halloween, Zhong Manyao tipped off Duan Xunge, which indirectly caused Lan Muge to completely hate her.

If she hadn't revealed her identity, she could actually break up with Lan Muge normally, so that she could get together and break up. She didn't have to be subject to Duan Xunge, and she didn't have to fight with Lan Muge.

"Don't you usually go out?" Zhong Manyao couldn't be free, she was bored in the house all day today, Yan Xi could still relax, do these house girls live like this?

"Don't disturb me watching TV." Yan Xi didn't want to talk nonsense to her.

Zhong Manyao was upset, but now that she was under the fence, she couldn't get angry.

After watching the news broadcast, Yan Xi took his clothes and went to the bathroom to take a shower.

(End of this chapter)

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