I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 546 Confidential Leakage 18

Chapter 546 Confidential Leakage 18
Saturday evening.

Yan Xi put on a black dress with long sleeves and a large round neck. He took out a pistol and hid it in his lap. He put his hair up, put on makeup, and put on a black coat.

After a while, I received a call from Lan Muge.

"I'm downstairs at your house, can you come down? Or can I go up?" Lan Muge was standing by the roadside of Tianhe Xiaoyuan. He still doesn't know which household she lives in.

"I'll come down, wait for me for 3 minutes." Yan Xi took his handbag and walked out of the room.

Zhong Manyao was lying on the sofa watching TV. After so many days in the house, there was really no program to pass the time.

"Where are you going?" Zhong Manyao glanced at Yan Xi, dressed so beautifully, going to a banquet or a date?

"Antetic Company is holding a networking dinner." Yan Xi went to the door and opened the shoe cabinet, changed into a pair of silver high heels and went out.

Zhong Manyao got up and walked to the window, opened a gap in the curtain, saw the situation downstairs, and saw a person standing by the side of the road from a distance, Lan Muge?


The street lights on the side of the road automatically turn on.

Lan Muge stands tall, wearing a haute couture dress, a white high-necked shirt with folded vertical stripes on the neckline, a white bow tie, and a coat with a satin lapel collar. He is tall and straight, wearing a noble and elegant style. Standing under the yellow street lamp, it showed a warm and soft temperament.

Lan Muge watched her approaching calmly, as if he hadn't seen her for a long, long time. He had been waiting for her explanation, but she remained indifferent.

If she can't let go of her pride and come to him, then he will come to her.

Yan Xi looked calm, and walked up to him: "Can I go?"

Lan Muge regained consciousness in an instant, and opened the door of the passenger seat: "Get in the car."

"Thank you." Yan Xi got into the car.

Lan Muge slid into the driveway, this time Lan Muge did not speed, and the two of them were silent all the way.

After 10 minutes, go to the Blue Ocean Building.

The banquet hall is on the tenth floor. Today's outdoor temperature is about [-] degrees, and the banquet hall is quite warm.

Antidick is a multinational company with subsidiaries all over the world. Today, not only domestic business tycoons but also many foreign entrepreneurs attended the banquet, including people of all colors.

The melodious and soft sound of the piano and violin came from the dance floor, and there were many handsome men and women dancing on the dance floor.

Lan Muge looked around, but he didn't see Gu Jinluo. Ah Luo didn't come?
"Mr. Lan, Miss Yan, long time no see." Nick came to say hello.

"Has it been a long time? I finally met today." Lan Muge smiled humorously. He hasn't been to Nanshan Stadium recently, nor has he attended any activities. It has indeed been a long time.

Yan Xi didn't speak, he was always so quiet and calm.

"Hehe, I won't bother you anymore, you can go dancing." Nick looked at the two with ambiguous eyes.

"Don't bother me, let's walk around casually." After finishing speaking, Lan Muge took Yan Xi's hand and left.

After walking away, the smile on Lan Muge's face had disappeared, but she still held her hand tightly.

Yan Xi took out his hand, there was no need to force each other.

Singer Lan Mu's heart was empty, and she felt a bit of anger inexplicably, wouldn't she even pretend to be with him?
"I'm going to the dining area to eat something." Yan Xi walked in the direction of the dining area, and she ate takeaway for almost a week.

"I also want to eat something." Lan Muge walked to her side, even though he was not hungry.

(End of this chapter)

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