I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 553 The relationship is clear 06

Chapter 553 The relationship is clear 06
Zhong Manyao was alone in the room, bored to the brim, when suddenly she heard the landline ring.

Of course she wouldn't answer the phone.

The landline rang until it disconnected automatically, and after a while, it rang again.

Zhong Manyao looked at the calling number, and the landline rang several times, and it was always this calling number.

Who is looking for Yan Xi?
The landline finally stopped ringing, but the landline in the building next to the door rang. There was no visual screen, so I couldn't see who was ringing the doorbell.

Zhong Manyao hesitated for a moment, picked up the receiver to answer, but did not speak, waiting for the other party to speak first.

"Yan Xi, are you home?" The man's voice was anxious and worried.

"Who are you?" Zhong Manyao deliberately changed her tone, who is this man?
"I'm Yan Xi's friend, my name is Yin Zimo, who are you?" Yin Zimo was very polite and didn't have much impression of this woman's voice. Are you Yan Xi's friend?
"What are you looking for with Yan Xi?" Of course Zhong Manyao couldn't just tell him his name.

"Just now I called her mobile phone number, but it was always turned off. I asked her friend Ye Piaopiao again. Ye Piaopiao called her fixed line, but no one answered. I was a little worried about her. Is she at home? ?” Yin Zimo felt strange, why didn’t she answer the fixed line when someone was at her home?

"She has something to go out." Zhong Manyao said.

"Did she say when she'll be back?" Yin Zimo was still a little worried and couldn't get in touch with her. Why did she turn off the phone when she went out?

"Should be back soon." Zhong Manyao said casually, how did she know when Yan Xi would come back.

"Here, can I go up and wait for her?" Yin Zimo hesitated, he had never been to her house before, would it be rude to go up so rashly.

Zhong Manyao thought for a while, but she didn't know who this man was.

"Can you buy me something to come up?"

"What?" Yin Zimo asked suspiciously.

"Buy something delicious. Yan Xi and I have been eating takeaway for almost a week, and her terrible cooking skills. We're about to lose our sense of taste."

"What do you want to eat?" Yin Zimo immediately agreed, she would definitely not know how to cook if she lived alone, and it would be unhealthy to eat takeaway every day.

"Anything is fine, fresh, delicious, not junk food. Also, it's best to buy some healthy food that is good for wound healing."

"Who was injured?" Yin Zimo asked in surprise.

"Of course it's Yan Xi."

"Why is Yan Xi injured? Where is the injury?" Yin Zimo was very anxious, why did she still go out when she was injured?
"Ahem, she accidentally fell down and got stuck in her buttocks by the glass. She had two stitches. The stitches were removed this morning. Don't worry."

"Well, why don't I go buy some fresh vegetables and make dinner directly." Yin Zimo said, it's past five o'clock in the afternoon, and it's almost time for dinner.

"Okay, hurry up." Zhong Manyao ordered him unceremoniously.

After hanging up the line, Zhong Manyao walked to the window, opened a corner of the curtain, and saw Yin Zimo downstairs. He was walking out of the community, and he couldn't see his front, only his back.

Just looking at the back and figure, the front should not be much different.

Zhong Manyao went back to her room and put on her underwear, then looked through Yan Xi's closet, and found a dress that fit her image as much as possible.

About three to ten minutes later, the building landline next to the door rang again.

Zhong Manyao answered the call, it was the man named Yin Zimo just now, so she opened the door for him to come up.

(End of this chapter)

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