I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 555 The relationship is clear 08

Chapter 555 The relationship is clear 08
However, the moment Yan Xi walked into the kitchen, she was stunned. Zhong Manyao didn't ask him to buy food, but to cook? !
Seeing that he was about to wash the dishes, Yan Xi immediately walked over and turned on the faucet: "I'll do the washing, I'll trouble you today."

"No trouble, today is Sunday, I'm free." Yin Zimo smiled at her.

"Oh, when did you come?" Yan Xi turned on the phone on the way back just now, and only then did he realize how many missed calls he had on the phone. The call came in after three o'clock, and she called back just as she was about to get home. he came.

"It was after five o'clock. Where did you go, why did you come back so late?" Yin Zimo asked concerned, wondering if she had found a new job, and she didn't have to go to work today and Sunday.

"A friend is looking for me." Yan Xi made an excuse casually, she had too many things that she couldn't talk about.

Yin Zimo felt puzzled, what kind of friend?She went out all afternoon and came back so late, didn't she have dinner with her friends?But fortunately I didn't eat, otherwise I wouldn't be able to eat this meal.

The two of them washed the dishes together. There were only three pairs of bowls and chopsticks, and they were done quickly.

Yan Xi went to wipe the table and took out the bowls and chopsticks by the way.

Yin Zimo took out the food and filled it with soup. The hot soup was steaming and exuding a strong aroma.

Zhong Manyao sat down on the chair and said with a smile: "Mr. Yin, thank you for making dinner."

"It's just a little effort." Yin Zimo was a little embarrassed, seeing this Miss Zhong knew that she couldn't cook, no wonder she ate takeaway every day.

"What kind of soup is this?" Zhong Manyao took a sip, and it tasted very good. Maybe she has eaten too much tasteless takeaway recently.

"Pigeon soup, put some ingredients such as red dates, yam, wolfberry, and Codonopsis ginseng." Yin Zimo looked at Yan Xi quietly, wondering if she likes to drink it, pigeon soup is good for wound healing.

"It turns out that pigeons can also cook soup." Zhong Manyao learned a lot. She only ate more Chinese dishes after she came to Jingyang City, but she only ate them, and she didn't know the ingredients and cooking methods at all.

Yin Zimo was suspicious, where is this Miss Zhong from?It is very common to cook soup with pigeons in the south.

"This fish is delicious." Zhong Manyao ate with relish. She quite likes Chinese food, and the texture and taste are very delicious.

"Bass is rich in digestible protein and trace elements. Yanxi, you should eat more." Yin Zimo specially bought sea bass and steamed it. Sea bass is also good for wound healing.

"Well, you should eat more too." Yan Xi wondered, did she seem to be malnourished?

Zhong Manyao silently ate more sea bass.

The dinner was quite pleasant.

Zhong Manyao can finally feast on his food. This seemingly innocent man can cook.

After dinner, Yan Xi took the initiative to clear the table.

"I'll just come, you take a break, don't be polite to me." Yin Zimo could sense that she had always been very polite to him, and she was no longer as close as she was when she was young.

"You cook, I'll clean up." Yan Xi was very embarrassed, and had troubled him for a long time.

"I'll clean it up with you." Yin Zimo smiled. Although she was injured, she looked pretty good.

When clearing the dining table, Yin Zimo glanced at Zhong Manyao, and saw that she was sitting motionless. He didn't blame Miss Zhong, but would she really take care of Yan Xi?Yan Xi was injured, and Miss Zhong didn't take the initiative to help.

(End of this chapter)

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