I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 565 Complete Breakup 08

Chapter 565 Complete Breakup 08
"Zhong Manyao, this is the country of Hua." Mo Yan reminded, very upset that Zhong Manyao was so arrogant.

"This is a transnational crime. Antidick is a group company of country Y. MI6 has more information." Zhong Manyao said confidently.

"Miss Yan, what do you think?" Yun Su looked at Yan Xi, Interpol is still an administrative agency between the law enforcement agencies of the member states.

Interpol acts as a liaison between law enforcement agencies of two or more countries because of differences in language, culture, and local administration that make it difficult for personnel from different countries to coordinate their work.

Zhong Manyao stared at Yan Xi for a moment. Although Yan Xi was an Interpol, he was also from China, so his position was not clear.

"Cooperate with each other and don't waste time, okay?" Yan Xi looked at the two of them.

Zhong Manyao had a displeased expression on her face, and she hated neutral people the most.

Yun Su said: "Originally, the National Security Bureau focused on investigating the Haina Group. Later, it was discovered that Lu Li and Nick had illegal transactions, and then found that Ante Dick was conducting illegal research. If Ms. Zhong can provide sufficient evidence, the National Security Bureau can sue Security at any time. Tedik, and the arrests."

Zhong Manyao thought for a moment. This is Hua Country, and it is difficult for the law enforcement officers of Country Y to act on a large scale.

"Okay, I can provide sufficient evidence, no need to prosecute, directly arrest secretly, the Y Congress will send police to cooperate with you in arresting, but there are a few people who must be arrested by MI6 personnel."

"Who?" Yun Su asked.

"Nick and others, as well as several researchers, one of them is a Chinese named Mason, whose real name is Shan Jun, a biochemical research expert, who immigrated to country Y ten years ago, married and divorced a woman from country Y, and currently has a five-year-old He brought his son to Jingyang City a year ago to work in the research institute of the Jingyang City branch of Antec, and he must be guaranteed to be alive." Zhong Manyao's implication is that Shan Jun must be It doesn't matter if the others are dead.

When Yun Su and the others heard this, they all tacitly understood that Shan Jun must have mastered some important secrets.

The target of the National Security Bureau is the Haina Group. If these important secrets will not endanger Hua, they can be ignored for the time being, but this is an unknown.

Therefore, it is best to be able to find out.

The National Security Bureau is the anti-espionage agency and political security agency of the Huaguo government. It can exercise the powers of the public security agency to investigate, detain, pre-trial, and execute arrests.

Huacuo said: "This is a transnational crime. The place where the crime occurred is in China. China has the right to arrest, detain, and interrogate them. They commit crimes within the territory of my country. Our country cannot let them leave the country casually. Even your MI6 You can't just take them away."

Zhong Manyao crossed her arms and said, "Then I refuse to cooperate with you."

It was cold in an instant.

"Miss Yan, what do you think?" Yun Su threw the question to Yan Xi again. Although Yan Xi is from Hua, she should have no political stance.

"Time is running out. After you catch someone, you can share the spoils, okay?" Yan Xi looked at the two of them.

Hearing this, although the two parties disagree, they both understand that action must be taken as soon as possible.

Yun Su frowned, but did not mention the issue of sovereignty for the time being, and asked, "Miss Zhong, do you have any plans?"

Zhong Manyao also asked, "What are your plans?"

There was a cold room again, there was a question of sovereignty, and no one wanted to reveal the plan first.In other words, even if he said the plan, he still had some reservations.

(End of this chapter)

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