I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 578 Yan Xi's Birthday 01

Chapter 578 Yan Xi's Birthday 01
It was six o'clock in the evening.

Yun Su looked at the information he had just received, and since he was going to act tonight, he sent someone to monitor the movements of the suspects, including Hess Esther.

Yun Su turned the laptop screen to the wrong direction.

Seeing this, Hua Cuo's expression gradually became a little dignified, and more puzzled.

In the photo, Hess and she walked into the restaurant, and the two seemed very close.

"What's going on?" Hua Cuo asked puzzledly, what is the relationship between her and Hess?
"Hess was looking for someone named Sylvia before, and now he seems to have found it." Yun Su said.

Hua Cuo frowned, if Sylvia is really Hess' fiancee, then Yan Xi and Hess...


Huacuo went to the study and told Nie Shen about it. The director cared about Yan Xi very much, so maybe he could find the answer from the director.

"Sylvia, so it's her..." Nie Shen was a little surprised. He thought Yan Xi was just an ordinary Interpol, but she was involved in this case.

"Is Sylvia really Yan Xi?" Hua Cuo hoped to hear a negative answer. How could she be Hess' fiancée?

"This is about a nine-level confidential file. Eight years ago, Li Xiaotian's illegal group moved from China to the Middle East. The military and the Drug Enforcement Administration jointly investigated Li Xiaotian. Since Li Xiaotian was abroad, it was difficult for domestic law enforcement agencies to act. Therefore, the National Security Bureau The bureau sent words and words to investigate secretly, but words and words were exposed and shot to death.” Nie Shen still can’t let go, how did words and words reveal their identities?

Hua mistakenly understood, maybe this is the reason why Yan Xi became Sylvia, words and words did not die accidentally when he went out to investigate, but were killed.

After Hua went out of the study by mistake, Nie Shen called Yun Su in. Yun Su's grandfather was a general who had been retired for many years and had participated in the investigation of Li Xiaotian's case.

Yun Su walked into the study.


"Yan Xi and Hess Esther, I don't know what's going on, but I don't like Hess very much." Nie Shen had already seen the photo sent by Yun Suu. The Esther family was a wealthy Italian family. It's the mafia family.

"What do you mean?" Yun Su was a little puzzled, he didn't care about Yan Xi and Hess, he only cared about whether it would affect the operation.

"Both your father and your grandfather knew Yan Xi's parents. They once hoped that you and Yan Xi..." Nie Shen's implication was clear. When Yun Su was very young, Yun Su's father died. Maybe he doesn't know about his relationship with Yan Xi.

"What do you want from me and Yan Xi?" Yun Su was still puzzled, but was very surprised that his father and grandfather knew Yan Xi's parents because of this relationship.

Nie Shen sighed, Yun Su's EQ was a bit low, so he could only speak more clearly: "Your father and I and Yan Xi's parents are very good comrades-in-arms. It was once said that whoever has a son or daughter, We will become in-laws, so I hope that the relationship between you and Yan Xi will go further."

Hearing this, Yun Su was even more unexpected that there was such a relationship. His father had passed away for a long time, and he didn't know much about him.

"Yan Xi is like my daughter." Nie Shen is still unmarried, and he has no children in his life. He said this sentence, as if he meant to force marriage.

"I don't know Yan Xi." Yun Su said seriously, dislike these three words is too arbitrary, he has no so-called likes or dislikes of Yan Xi at all.

"Then I hope you will understand slowly." Nie Shen said seriously, he was still very satisfied with Yun Su.

Yun Su frowned, feeling a little hard to digest for a while.

"Tomorrow is Yan Xi's birthday." Nie Shen reminded him.

Yun Su's face was weird, what do you mean?Do you want him to give Yan Xi a birthday present?He can't give a gift to a strange woman for no reason.


The police from Country Y have already entered the country and arrived in Jingyang City at noon.

Zhong Manyao has already contacted the secret agents of MI6 and the police of Country Y, planning to directly arrest the suspects related to Ante Dick tonight.

Several NSA agents were directing the operation from the safe house.

At [-]:[-] in the middle of the night, all the targets have been locked.

The police of country Y and the police of Hua Guo Public Security Bureau are ready to participate in the operation together.

As for the actions of the Haina Group, Yun Su and Hua Cuo cooperated with the police from the Public Security Bureau to arrest them.

Yun Su thought for a moment, this secret operation was provided by Yan Xi, but Yan Xi did not participate in the operation, even though she, as an Interpol, has no power of arrest.

Yun Su picked up his phone and dialed a number: "What's the matter?"

"Yan Xi and Hess are currently on the bank of the Spring River, and they seem to be watching the night scene." The person in charge of monitoring was a little helpless, having watched the two show their love for a whole day.

Yun Su said to continue monitoring and hung up.

After a while, news came from dark men hiding in various places.

"There is a container truck with the license plate number JY6591 departing from Haina No. 3 winery in the western suburbs, and it is currently driving to Jianshe Road."

"Haina No. 5 winery, there is a container truck with the license plate number JY7734 driving to Binjiang Road."

"Lu Li is currently in the CEO's office in the Haina Group's headquarters building."

When Yun Su received the news, he had a bad premonition in his heart. He always felt that this mission was too... smooth, but he couldn't find any problems.

Yun Su dialed another number: "What's the situation with you?"

"Nothing at the moment, is there any news from Yan Xi?" Hua was wrong in the car, waiting for an action order.

"At present, she and Hess are on the bank of the Chunjiang River." Yun Su said directly, Hua Cuo seemed to have been paying attention to Yan Xi all the time.

Hearing this, Hua Cuo's mood is a bit complicated. Is she and Hess just because of a mission, or is the relationship real?
Until twelve o'clock in the morning, another news came.

"The truck with the license plate number JY6591 was parked near the Fun Toy Factory in Nanshan Industrial Zone, and four people got off the truck to inspect it."

"Lu Li is still in the Haina Group headquarters building."

"Nick is in Villa No. 12 in Yijing Garden."

"Shan Jun has been in the Antidick Research Institute."

After Yun Su got the news, he reported the situation to the director. Originally, the director was not directly involved in commanding operations, but the director was here to ask for his opinion first.

At this time, Nie Shen came downstairs. This time he came to Jingyang City not only because of Yan Xi, but also because of some personal grievances.

"Boss, two container trucks hijacked a large amount of munitions respectively, and are tracking the delivery location." Yun Su looked at the flashing red dot on the computer screen.

"You and the police from country Y are involved in Antidick's operation. I will go to see Lu Li in person." Nie Shen said in a deep voice. He hadn't seen Lu Li for ten years.

Several secret agents looked puzzled. Lu Li was the main suspect, so he could be arrested directly. Afterwards, the chief could personally interrogate Lu Li. Why did he go to see Lu Li now?In addition, Lu Li is an extremely dangerous person, which concerns the director's safety.

"Director, we are going to arrest Lu Li, you don't have to go there yourself." Someone said.

"You may not be able to arrest him, and his target may not be ammunition." Nie Shen's expression was a little heavy. Maybe Lu Li's target was him, and Lu Li intended to lure him out, because he killed Lu Li's lover and his own.

Yun Su was puzzled, but he didn't ask why, put on the bulletproof vest, took a pistol, and left the safe house with a few spies.


Twelve thirty in the morning.

The moon is dark and the wind is high tonight, and the police from Country Y and the Public Security Bureau are on standby.

Zhong Manyao was wearing body armor and a cool black leather jacket, with two pistols hidden behind her.

Seeing Yun Su coming, Zhong Manyao glanced at him: "Is there any news about Yan Xi?"

"No." Yun Su didn't think it was necessary to tell Zhong Manyao, and Zhong Manyao seemed to care about Yan Xi very much, not that kind of simple concern.

Zhong Manyao was a little disappointed. After the operation was over, she was going back to Country Y.

After a while, a message came from Yunsu's communicator that the police from the Public Security Bureau followed the route of the container truck to the location where the arms and drugs were hidden, and they were about to take action.

"Action!" Yun Su gestured.

In an instant, the police of the two countries surrounded Ante Dick's research institute heavily.

"It's hero time." Zhong Manyao quickly pulled out the pistol behind her, and broke into the institute with a large number of police officers.

Research institutes include residences and laboratories for researchers, as well as databases.

Since most of the researchers were still asleep during the wee hours of the morning, they were arrested unsuspectingly.

Zhong Manyao and several MI6 agents broke into Shan Jun's residence and found Shan Jun in the bedroom, but the result was not satisfactory.

Shan Jun was lying on the ground, covered with blood.

"He's dead. He was shot in the chest and died immediately. His blood is still hot. He just died." A special agent checked Shan Jun's wound.

"S`hit!" Zhong Manyao cursed.

Yun Su's face changed slightly, and they rushed in, and Shan Jun died. No gunshots were heard, who killed Shan Jun?
Zhong Manyao immediately ordered: "Shan Jun just died, the person who killed him must still be nearby, investigate immediately!"

Yun Su said: "The police of our country's Public Security Bureau are more familiar with Jingyang City. Our country's police will investigate. I hope your country's police will not act without authorization."

The police of country Y are not familiar with Jingyang City, so it is more troublesome to search. In addition, without the approval of the country of Hua, the police of country Y are not allowed to act in the territory of the country of Hua.

Zhong Manyao's face was gloomy, but there was nothing he could do, this was within the territory of Hua Kingdom.

When Zhong Manyao was about to contact other secret agents, another bad news came.

Yun Su also got the news immediately that the police rushed into Nick's villa and found that Nick had been shot dead.

Then, the other important suspects all died.

Yun Su contacted Hua Cuo and asked, "What's the matter?"

"Preparing to close the team, basically all the employees of Ante Dick and the suspects of the Heiner Group were arrested, and a large number of guns and contraband were searched. The strange thing is that the ammunition on the two trucks, the guns and magazines in the box, only the superficial Some of them are real guns, while the others are imitation toy guns. To be precise, Lu Li just hijacked a batch of toy guns.” Hua Cuo was puzzled, but fortunately, the criminals who found the Haina Group The evidence completely defeated the Haina Group.

"Has Lu Li been arrested?" Yun Su asked again.

"I don't know." Hua Cuo was counting the ammunition and contraband. He was not involved in the arrest of Lu Li.

Yun Su immediately contacted Nie Shen, but couldn't.

Yun Su felt a little uneasy, and then contacted the secret agents involved in the arrest of Lu Li.

The secret agent's tone was solemn: "Yun Su, just now at the headquarters building of the Haina Group, the director was shot in the right abdomen and is being sent to the hospital for treatment. Lu Li escaped."

Yun Su held the walkie-talkie tightly and asked, "How is the injury?"

"Don't worry, there is no danger to your life for the time being."

Hearing this, Yun Su seemed to be relieved. His father was gone when he was young. In his mind, the director is also a teacher and a father.


(End of this chapter)

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