I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 581 Yan Xi's Birthday 04

Chapter 581 Yan Xi's Birthday 04
After the two finished breakfast, Hess hung out with her in a good mood.

It was not until five o'clock in the afternoon that I went back to Tianhe Xiaoyuan.

When he got home, Yan Xi couldn't help being puzzled. When he came back at this time, wouldn't he have dinner with her?
Hess looked at the vases in the wall cabinet and said, "Sylvia, you will be separated from them for a long, long time. If you like, we will take them away together."

"What do you mean?" Yan Xi looked at his back, was he talking about vases?
"Didn't you say you were going to Country Y this morning? I'll go with you." Hess turned around and smiled at her.

Yan Xi's eyes darkened, or he was going to Country Y too.

"It's getting late, the plane at seven o'clock tonight, do you need me to help you pack your luggage?" Hess looked at the time, there were still two hours left.

"Are you going to country Y?" Yan Xi asked.

"Just a little thing." Hess smiled casually, and then added: "Don't bring a gun, I'll give it to you when you go to country Y."

Huaguo has very strict regulations on this aspect. Even if you take a private jet, you have to go through security checks.

When Yan Xi went back to his room, he didn't have any luggage to pack. He couldn't bring any guns or anything like that. He just packed a few clothes and closed the window.

"Sylvia, do you want to take them?" Hess looked at the vases in the wall cabinet.

"No." They belong here.

The two left Tianhe Xiaoyuan and took a car to the airport.

Yan Xi looked at the street outside the car window, there were too many unresolved doubts about last night's actions, Nick and others died, Lu Li escaped, Nie Shen was injured, I don't know how the injury was.

"If you like it, we will come back later." Hess held her left hand, and he would try to like this place.

Yan Xi didn't say anything, she might come back, but not with him.

The phone vibrated suddenly, an unfamiliar number, who called her?Yan Xi answered the phone.

"Yan Xi, are you free today?" Hua mistakenly used a public phone to call her. Today is her birthday, and at this critical moment, he cannot go to see her openly.

"What's matter?"

"I want to go to your house to get clothes." Hua Cuo used this excuse again.

"Then you go." Yan Xi remembered that he hadn't returned the key to her yet.

"Are you at home?" Hua Cuo asked hesitantly, she said let him go, not let him come.

"I'm not at home recently." Yan Xi said.

Hua Cuo was silent for a moment, but she was not at home during the day, or was not at home all the time, where is she going?

"Happy birthday. I'll hide the gift at your house by the way, and you'll find it when you get home."

"Thank you." Yan Xi didn't expect that he also knew that her birthday was today, she had never noticed when Hua wrong's birthday was.

There was a moment of silence, neither of them knew what to say.

Hess looked at her and couldn't understand what she was saying, it seemed that he needed to learn Chinese.

Finally, Yan Xi spoke first: "Goodbye."

"Goodbye." Hua Cuo said these two words slowly, and waited until she hung up.

Hua Cuo came out of the hospital and drove to her home.

The windows in the house were closed tightly, and the curtains covered the setting sun, making it a bit dark.

Huacuo is a little disappointed, she should go on a long trip.

Open the curtains, open the floor-to-ceiling glass windows of the balcony, and the light streams in instantly.

See the cactus in the middle of the balcony railing.

A pot of cactus is placed in the center of the straight guardrail, which looks very abrupt. If a typhoon comes, it may be blown down.

Huacuo found it strange that the cactus had always been placed on the side of the wall before, which was both windproof and beautiful.

So Hua Cuo put the cactus back to the side against the wall.

Back in the house, Hua Mio looked around the room, then opened the drawer of the wall cabinet, put the gift in, and put it in such an obvious place, he subconsciously hoped that she would find it.

At this time, I noticed that the vases in the wall cabinet were placed in a different order.

High in the middle, low on both sides, forming an inverted V shape, for a group photo?
In the past, she arranged the vases casually, and he arranged the vases neatly. Who changed the order of the vases?

Suddenly thought of a person, she was with Hess recently.

Hua Cuo couldn't tell what his mood was at the moment, but he had already started to rearrange the order, from high to low.


(End of this chapter)

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