I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 635 Relationship Progress 09

Chapter 635 Relationship Progress 09
In November, the weather has started to cool down.

At the end of the long mission, Hua Cuo did not go back to the capital, but went to Jingyang City.

The early winter in Jingyang City is not cold, but very comfortable.

Hua mistakenly sent a message to Yan Xi: I'm in Jingyang City, I'm going to your house to get some clothes, are you home?

After waiting for a long time, I didn't wait for her reply.

Hua went to Tianhe Xiaoyuan by mistake and rang the doorbell, but no one answered.

So go straight up, he has the key to open the door.

The room was a little dark, the doors and windows were closed, and there was dust on the table. It was obvious that no one had come back for a long time.

Hua Cuo drew the curtains, opened the window, and the light came in, making the room brighter.

The vases in the wall cabinet showed no signs of being rearranged, still in order from high to low.

The presents in the drawer were also intact.

Almost a year later, she has not come back.

In Jingyang City, he had no place to live, so he cleaned the house and washed the sheets and quilts.

Eating alone, going to the streets, watching TV, and playing stand-alone games.

Until November 26th, her [-]th birthday, there was still no news of her. Hua Cuo went to buy a gift and put it in the drawer.


A few days later, Huacuo received another mission and went to Country M for two months.

After the mission was over, it was already February when we returned to the capital, and the New Year was coming soon. It was snowing heavily in the capital, and there were numerous snowflakes everywhere.

Hua mistakenly went to the National Security Bureau to report, and saw that Mo Yan was there.

"Mo Yan, do you have a mission?" Hua Cuo called out.

"Not yet." Mo Yan changed his hairstyle and finally cut off his long hair, making him a little more handsome.

"Have you seen Yun Su?" Hua Cuo asked, who hadn't seen Yun Su for nearly a year.

"No, I haven't seen him for a long time." Mo Yan didn't care too much. Senior agents of the National Security Bureau often disappeared for a long time. As for the specific tasks to be performed, there was no way of knowing.

After saying goodbye to Mo Yan, Hua went to see Nie Shen by mistake.

Nie Shen was sitting in the office, reviewing the documents, and listening to Hua Cuo's report.

Nie Shen said: "Let's take a month off and get ready. There is a very important task after the New Year."

Hua wrong's mood is a bit complicated, it is a very important task, it should take a long time, and I don't know when I can contact her.

Seeing Hua Cuo still standing, Nie Shen asked, "Is there anything else?"

"I haven't seen Yun Su for a long time, has he gone to perform any mission?" In fact, he didn't care what mission Yun Su was performing, and almost all the missions were classified, and the director would not tell him.

"Hmm." Nie Shen affirmed, but didn't say what the specific task was.

Hua Cuo didn't ask again, but he didn't leave either, with some hesitation.

"Is there anything else?" Nie Shen's eyes were so sharp that he could tell at a glance that something was wrong.

"Personal question, it's almost New Year's Eve, did Yan Xi contact you?" Hua Cuo tentatively asked, last year Yan Xi went to the Director's house to celebrate the New Year, will he also visit the Director's house this year to pay New Year's greetings?

Hearing this, Nie Shen looked at Hua Cuo calmly. He knew where Yan Xi was now. If there were no accidents, she could finish her mission before the New Year. As for whether she would come to the capital, he didn't know.

According to the task time, Hua Cuo and Yan Xi have been separated for a year, if Hua Cuo still likes Yan Xi, then it should be very much.


Huacuo went back to the apartment, cleaned the house, and cleaned her room by the way. I don't know if she will come to the capital in the future, but she still washed her sheets and quilts.

(End of this chapter)

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