I've always had a crush on her

Chapter 655 New Year 1

Chapter 655 The New Year 09
After a while, there was a knock on the door.

Yan Xi opened the door, and the moment she saw him, she was taken aback.

Yun Su stood in front of the door, wearing a long black overcoat. He couldn't wait to come, as if he still had a bit of winter chill on his body.

Yun Su stared at her deeply, and the thoughts and worries of the past few days dissipated at this moment.

"Yan Xi, long time no see." Yun Su's voice was slow, his heart seemed to be filled with something in an instant, and he hadn't seen her for ten days.

"Yun Su, Happy New Year." Yan Xi was also looking at him. It's been a year and the Spring Festival has not yet passed, so it's not too late to say this in person.

"Happy New Year." Yun Su's eyes were bright, and her face was clearly reflected in the bright black pupils.

"Well, come in first." Yan Xi said, it was a bit cold outside.

Yun Su walked into the room, and the room was very warm, which immediately dispelled the chill from his body.

"Can I give you a hug?" Yun Su couldn't help himself, only after a long absence did he realize how much he missed her.

"Yes." Yan Xi nodded. In fact, Yun Su is a very reserved person. Although they are lovers, they have never been intimate.

Yun Su felt a little excited, took a step forward slowly, opened his arms to hug her, and smelled the fragrance of her hair, the feeling in his arms was so real and warm, it made his heart beat up and down.

Yan Xi also reached out to hug him, she was only wearing a turtleneck sweater, he was wearing a thick coat, even through the clothes, she could feel his heartbeat.

After a long time, Yun Su let her go gently, but still looked at her, he liked being so close.

Yan Xi has been thinking for a long time recently, and she can accept Yun Su's proposal for the time being, but there are some issues that must be clarified.

For example, during these five years, she may have moved on, and he may have found a new love.

For example, five years from now she still doesn't want to get married.

For example, if she is barren, can he accept it, and can his family accept it.

Even, for example, she died.

For issues like this, she felt it was necessary to declare in advance.

"Yun Su, the topic we talked about last time..."

"Don't talk about it, it's late, let's go to dinner." Yun Su interrupted her, these things are not urgent, she doesn't have to be so nervous, she can pretend that he didn't say it, he hopes to use time to progress step by step, until It's a matter of course.

"Don't you need to go home?" Yan Xi didn't want to ask about his personal affairs, but during the Spring Festival, it didn't seem good for him not to go home for dinner.

"They all hope that I don't want to go back." Yun Su smiled, he only left one sentence and went out without coming back for dinner tonight, which should be guessed by the whole family.

"Huh?" Yan Xi raised his eyebrows, what do you mean?
"It doesn't matter. What do you want to eat?" Yun Su changed the subject, he didn't want his family to scare her, it will take time to understand.

"You decide." Yan Xi put on his coat and went out with him.

During the Spring Festival, many restaurants are closed, especially western restaurants, but large restaurants are generally open.

Yun Su took her to eat authentic Beijing cuisine.

After dinner, I took her to see the night scene again.

Yun Su grew up in the capital, and never thought the night view of the capital was so charming.

They didn't go back to the hotel until late at night.

Yun Su sent her to the door of the room, reluctant to leave.

"I'll come to you tomorrow, wait for me to have breakfast together."

"It doesn't have to be that early, you can come to me at noon or in the afternoon." Yan Xi said, before he said he would come here now, it took about an hour, his home should be far away from here.

"I'm free, during vacation." Yun Su said quickly, in recent days, he has been waiting for her news every day.

Yan Xi didn't say anything, just looked at him, it's late at night, why isn't he leaving yet?

(End of this chapter)

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